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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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7.0 Update Preview


150+ Star Club
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If you give tools to do something, you can be certain they'll be abused by someone. If you provide huge editable spaces, the next day there'll be links all over to child's porn or illegal drug sales, or whatever that is illegal and could lead to the game being a considered a hub for such kind of activity by law enforcement agencies. To counter this, you can either have a huge support/moderator team to clean this 24/7 or you just don't get into it because you don't have the kind of budget Facebook has.
I agree, but with advanced chat filter developer can block offensive words, links etc. May just allow selective gift codes in 25 to 30 chars.
Also by the time you factor all that in its not that small of a feature when you take spec time, dev time, QA time. For what is effectively a dead feature or a hack to get something that only sort of does the job. I'd rather they spend their time on more fully functional features rather than a bodge to better support something we do which is a already a bodge.

Don't get me wrong i'd love to see either a chat or some way to indicate gifts we'd like to be built in, but it seems weird for them to spend time, which is a limited resource on something like what was described.
Also by the time you factor all that in its not that small of a feature when you take spec time, dev time, QA time. For what is effectively a dead feature or a hack to get something that only sort of does the job. I'd rather they spend their time on more fully functional features rather than a bodge to better support something we do which is a already a bodge.

Don't get me wrong i'd love to see either a chat or some way to indicate gifts we'd like to be built in, but it seems weird for them to spend time, which is a limited resource on something like what was described.

What about just extending a bit the length of User Name...
But I guess just that could already have impact on the tool (formatted with length fixed fields, were longer name could impact)...
Also by the time you factor all that in its not that small of a feature when you take spec time, dev time, QA time. For what is effectively a dead feature or a hack to get something that only sort of does the job. I'd rather they spend their time on more fully functional features rather than a bodge to better support something we do which is a already a bodge.

Don't get me wrong i'd love to see either a chat or some way to indicate gifts we'd like to be built in, but it seems weird for them to spend time, which is a limited resource on something like what was described.
In any case a couple more characters in game’s name (from the present 16 to 20 for instance) shouldn’t be difficult to implement and would make a difference. But we can live with the 16 chars, no real prob.
  1. Windows Mobile
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A Disco
Excellent example of a divided society :( a dictator (GI) is implementing something, what makes the life of part of the society "bad", then let the life just go for a while and after some time the "discriminated" part of the society begins requesting the "bad" to be applied to everyone. I have lived with this until 30 years ago (it was called Communism indeed); knowing however the country of origin of GI it looks like they keep using this practice until the current day.
Otherwise ArGi, I would bet that the cheaters will keep messing with the rankings, even 100-limit will attract more cheaters.
Think also about this: if all veterans disappear at once, there will be not that many launches to be joined, even there will be not that many games with Planetariums to be visited (and without Planetariums no red launches are possible at all), there will be no experienced players able and willing to share advice in the game.
Good luck to all newbies, who believe the game will become more interesting after the implementation of the 100-limit to everyone, and good luck in spending your money in the game ;)

No offence meant, but I;ve played with the 100 limit since day 1 and its great fun and I imagine adds a greater logistical challenge to the game which in my opinion adds to the enjoyment. Try it, you might like it!


1000+ Star Club
Supernovas/Chanel Royal Air Alliance
  1. Android
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No offence meant, but I;ve played with the 100 limit since day 1 and its great fun and I imagine adds a greater logistical challenge to the game which in my opinion adds to the enjoyment. Try it, you might like it!
It's two completely different playing styles. It does add a rationing challenge, but the point us older players are trying to make is that the game is challenging enough as is; additional constraints/slow-ups really aren't necessary. As Ivan stated earlier, one of the reasons for the limit is simply the fact that saving up resources allows you to use less maps to get all the buildings you seek, but I responded by saying even with a limitless inventory, you still need to strategize and plan logistics. Nothing in this game comes easy, with or without an inventory limit. However, Im sure everyone will try the game with the limit. They will only stop once the game loses its fun factor for them.
It's two completely different playing styles. It does add a rationing challenge, but the point us older players are trying to make is that the game is challenging enough as is; additional constraints/slow-ups really aren't necessary. As Ivan stated earlier, one of the reasons for the limit is simply the fact that saving up resources allows you to use less maps to get all the buildings you seek, but I responded by saying even with a limitless inventory, you still need to strategize and plan logistics. Nothing in this game comes easy, with or without an inventory limit. However, Im sure everyone will try the game with the limit. They will only stop once the game loses its fun factor for them.

Yeah, I think it's very hard for me to know what it's like, as firstly I've always had the limit so don't see any different and the highest plane I am currently flying is a Jumbo, which is probably at least an order of magnitude easier than flying high end flights let alone the Maps. Having said that, maybe once everyone is on the limit (and most have consumed their resources) they will up the drop rate. The problem is they can't exactly announce things like that because then people will hoard items until the drop rates are increased which then does the opposite of the intention.

If high end flights are anything like the last few level 3 helicopter flights then it's not something I am looking forward to. I just got my 1st star (50 flights) on Aconcagua and that is tedious. I'm currently doing 3 flights a day. I could push it to 5 but then it's just micromanaging it from the moment I get up to the moment I go to bed more or less so I'm just taking it slow and steady. At this rate it's gonna take me >4 months to complete the remaining 3 copter flights :(
I could of course spend greens on more production buildings but it feels far more wasteful with helicopter flights than normal flights. And all that means is I have to do more clicks and keep more plates spinning anyway.


1000+ Star Club
Supernovas/Chanel Royal Air Alliance
  1. Android
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Yeah, I think it's very hard for me to know what it's like, as firstly I've always had the limit so don't see any different and the highest plane I am currently flying is a Jumbo, which is probably at least an order of magnitude easier than flying high end flights let alone the Maps. Having said that, maybe once everyone is on the limit (and most have consumed their resources) they will up the drop rate. The problem is they can't exactly announce things like that because then people will hoard items until the drop rates are increased which then does the opposite of the intention.

If high end flights are anything like the last few level 3 helicopter flights then it's not something I am looking forward to. I just got my 1st star (50 flights) on Aconcagua and that is tedious. I'm currently doing 3 flights a day. I could push it to 5 but then it's just micromanaging it from the moment I get up to the moment I go to bed more or less so I'm just taking it slow and steady. At this rate it's gonna take me >4 months to complete the remaining 3 copter flights :(
I could of course spend greens on more production buildings but it feels far more wasteful with helicopter flights than normal flights. And all that means is I have to do more clicks and keep more plates spinning anyway.
Well hate to break it to you, but don't expect an increase in drop rates. Been pleading for that for years (I still believe there is a bit of an inbalance in the drop rate range for certain items on certain flights), and it's been stated that the goal of the limit is to increase the longevity of the game. They dont want things to be earned too easily, so I wouldn't put my hopes on that. If they did increase it, that would be the best improvement GI has made since the introduction of new repair items.
Free2Play I don't know if it has been asked or answered yet, but with this 100 limit coming how will it impact our collections? One of the collections I am trying for is the cloud atlas(castle). I am not there yet, but you need 100 of each item to get the castle, but what happens when one of the required 5 items is at 100 - will it prevent us from clicking on clouds to get the other 4 items to 100?
Unless it changes limits do not apply to collection items.
I have the limit


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  1. Windows Mobile
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A Disco
It's two completely different playing styles. It does add a rationing challenge, but the point us older players are trying to make is that the game is challenging enough as is; additional constraints/slow-ups really aren't necessary. As Ivan stated earlier, one of the reasons for the limit is simply the fact that saving up resources allows you to use less maps to get all the buildings you seek, but I responded by saying even with a limitless inventory, you still need to strategize and plan logistics. Nothing in this game comes easy, with or without an inventory limit. However, Im sure everyone will try the game with the limit. They will only stop once the game loses its fun factor for them.
Like I said, I wasn't trying to cause offence. But this is a game, an airport simulator.... sort of. You'd never have unlimited warehouse space in a real airport, you'd use "JIT" to ensure what you needed to operate the airport was there and not cause spoilage. THe 100 limit is just that.
As a game example, to point out how its different to the no limit game, Im close to getting my first Aztec Pyramid, I've one collection to complete, its taken 2 maps (at least) for each of the locations and that, without the Golden Dice, which I've never bought has taken 10's of flights. I do them when I have 100 plus gifted fuel and I launch it in the morning and fly like mad till its all gone. THose without limits, especially if with a dice get 5+ drops, (i've read studies where you seem to get many more than that), i get 3 if Im lucky. It doesn't reduce the fun. Im currently deciding on Friday morning as I have some game time without work, im overrun with Flight catering as Im using my Jumbos for the event and so do I go for Turboprops with no consumption of anything to get that Pyramid or go with the Alliance destination and use some FC. It adds to the game and makes it much more of a challenge. I think its fun and much more like a real business/simulator...
Like I said, I wasn't trying to cause offence. But this is a game, an airport simulator.... sort of. You'd never have unlimited warehouse space in a real airport, you'd use "JIT" to ensure what you needed to operate the airport was there and not cause spoilage. THe 100 limit is just that.
As a game example, to point out how its different to the no limit game, Im close to getting my first Aztec Pyramid, I've one collection to complete, its taken 2 maps (at least) for each of the locations and that, without the Golden Dice, which I've never bought has taken 10's of flights. I do them when I have 100 plus gifted fuel and I launch it in the morning and fly like mad till its all gone. THose without limits, especially if with a dice get 5+ drops, (i've read studies where you seem to get many more than that), i get 3 if Im lucky. It doesn't reduce the fun. Im currently deciding on Friday morning as I have some game time without work, im overrun with Flight catering as Im using my Jumbos for the event and so do I go for Turboprops with no consumption of anything to get that Pyramid or go with the Alliance destination and use some FC. It adds to the game and makes it much more of a challenge. I think its fun and much more like a real business/simulator...
I’m afraid it will be like a chore to me, no fun . I DK if you’ve started purple maps already, but these are already super difficult with the limit on. I’m taking this game lightly, and I’m not as advanced as some other people around here who started more or less at the same time as me.but those purple maps... each jumbo run has taken me more than 500 f20 barrels,, a golden dice and at least one family ticket and one alarm clock for as little as around 100 flights and a 5 to 6% drop rate... and it needs 500 flights to 3star each destination! Not to mention how difficult is to get those maps: we’re talking about 60 destinations and you cannot fly for map chests as you do with adventure maps. My alliance friends and myself work so hard to end between 8th and 12th each week, meaning 2 or 3 random maps per week. And some maps are really rare!
100 barrels would do for what, 20 flights? 1 map lost and no point of using golden dice, it would be a waste.
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