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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

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  1. kelvint23

    Blue Launch Launched. 8PM (GMT+7) March 25

    I'll take captain seat. Everyone is welcome! Add my game name: Kelvint23
  2. kelvint23

    Blue Launch Launched 9PM (GMT+7) March 22

    I'll take the captain seat. Anyone else is welcome! Add my game name: Kelvint23
  3. kelvint23

    How much contribution to avoid hijack

    For Red launches I know @Tehobo taught me that 1500 + 180 but what's the formula for blue and green?
  4. kelvint23

    Red Launch Launch. 10 PM (GMT+7) March 19

    Tonight 10 PM (GMT+7) I'll take the captain seat with at least 1,680. Anyone else welcome to join! Add my game name: Kelvint23
  5. kelvint23

    Red Launch Launched. March 17

    On the pad now. Captain taken with 1890. Anyone welcome! Add my game name: Kelvint23.
  6. kelvint23

    Red Launch Launched. March 13

    On the pad now. Captain taken. 1694 so far. Anyone is welcome! Add my game name: Kelvint23
  7. kelvint23

    Red Launch Launched.

    Red launch on the pad now. First taken. 1,534 so far. Everyone welcome, no hijack pls! Add my friend code: Kelvint23
  8. kelvint23

    What is QL Launch?

    I know this sounds like a stupid question but what is QL launch anyway? Saw them in the launch thread prefix...
  9. kelvint23

    Red Launch Kelvint23

    Captain taken. 1466 points left. Welcome all. My ID: Kelvint23
  10. kelvint23

    General Rock The Sky Tent

    Items from "Does it come in Black?" collection are dropped only from the Tent but where are these mysterious tents? I have only Main Stage.
  11. kelvint23

    General Powerful Oil Refinery

    I planned to spend 10 greens on the powerful oil refinery (level 1) but not allowed to place it anywhere even though I have a vast empty land. Or is it for airport area only?
  12. kelvint23

    General How Duty Free Shop Works

    I'm extremely clueless with this duty free shop's mechanic. Upgraded to level 2 or 3 (can't remember exactly) and it seems like it does trade only once. What's its real purpose besides looking nice? And what does "remaining gold" (80/600/200/1000) even mean? remaining of...?
  13. kelvint23

    iOS Rental Flights Question

    I'm on level 26 with 24 stars. I've just noticed this: on certain locations, such as Nice, when my fuel is insufficient for flying there, it shows a Delta plane icon which when I tapped on it asked me to buy the plane but when fuel is sufficient it turned to Rental Flight which ask for 4 greens...
  14. kelvint23

    iOS How to ask for a specific item from neighbors?

    Hi guys, Just started the game 2 weeks ago and currently on level 26. Have about 15 neighbors now. I've just noticed sometimes that my neighbors are able to send me request for a specific item (all I have to do is tapping Send button or ignore it) but I can't find anywhere to do the same?
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