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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Search results

  1. kelvint23

    Trading Drones for Infrared Camera, Motion Sensors and... Drones

    I need Drones, Infrared Camera, Coffee Machine, Motion Sensor. I can send Observation Drone or check my Signature for what you might needz PM me for friend code.
  2. kelvint23

    iOS Halloween Shops

    It's been seven days in a row and all my 6 Halloween Shops persistently refuse to drop a single item. It's 4 days left and I don't think I can finish this event. Really frustrating. It reminds me why I rarely participate events since I played this game.
  3. kelvint23

    What to do when you reach top level?

    I'm still far from there (level 78 soon) but curious to know what you'll do when you reach max level and finished all the available maps (including events, quests, etc.)? It sounds like a scary vision when you have no task/motivation to log on the game....
  4. kelvint23

    Vehicles to transport passengers

    Now the new version already makes it look like a real airport with planes landing/takeoff. Can GI start adding vehicles moving around the city to pick up passengers? It would look damn cool and makes sense since there's already car park. P-L-E-A-S-E...?
  5. kelvint23

    Inactive Neighbors

    anyone here thinks it's rude to remove inactive neighbors (those with zzzz icon)?
  6. kelvint23

    CLOSED. Launch starts tomorrow 9AM (Oct 10 - GMT+8)

    I'll have a QL launch start at 9 AM tomorrow (Oct 10 GMT+8) and constantly every 3 hours. Anyone interested to join can add my code Kelvint23.
  7. kelvint23

    iOS Can't claim GI weekend bonus

    I've never suceeded in claiming GI weekend bonus (for example this week's "bastet27"). Maybe I was dumb to take the wrong steps? Open Neighbors windows, tap Add tab and key in the promo code in the bottom box? It's always responded with "sorry, this promo code is not valid. please make sure you...
  8. kelvint23

    Green Launch Launched

    On pad now with 980/1600. 20 hrs left. All neighbors are welcome . Add my game name Kelvint23
  9. kelvint23

    Need items for Furniture Factory

    Hi all, I need items for Furniture Factory. Let me know what you need in return.
  10. kelvint23

    iOS Building construction reset to 0

    I was with my 4th Laundry and had enough items to complete construction. Then after 1-2 minutes countdown (I didn't want to pay 2 greenies to speed up) it's all reset to ZERO! Have to collect the items again WTF? I'm on iOS latest update.
  11. kelvint23

    General Weather Items?

    I saw a Meteoreological Lab that is for "produce weather items". What are they for exactly? Is it worth an investment (3500 coins not much though but I'm afraid it's like the Duty Free Shop totally unremovable)
  12. kelvint23

    Need help with Earplugs

    I need a lot of earplugs for Falcon flight. Let me know what you need in exchange. Game name: Kelvint23
  13. kelvint23

    Gifts vs. Warehouse section

    Can anyone help me to clarify this: it looks like you can send gift only from the Gifts section instead of Warehouse?
  14. kelvint23

    Number of Factories

    What is your opinion on the number of each factory I should build? I'm talking about Sweet and Laundry. Its production rate is slow at 8 hours each. Should I build one more each or use greens to upgrade production? Which option you thinks more cost-effective?
  15. kelvint23

    Join my alliance SkyCrown

    Created this alliance for a long time but never had serious time and commitment to it. Now the rewards look interesting. I'm looking for members to join the alliance (name: SkyCrown) to complete tasks together. I currently set minimum level at 40 and stars at 50 tp join. Please give feedback...
  16. kelvint23

    Green Launch Launched

    Captain seat taken. 23 hours left. Add my game name: Kelvint23
  17. kelvint23

    Red Launch Launched

    Captain seat taken with 1,680. Everyone else is welcome. Add my game name: Kelvint23.
  18. kelvint23

    Red Launch Launched

    Planning to have a red launch soon. Anyone interested to join? I'll set a time. I'll take captain seat with min 1680. Add my game name: Kelvint23
  19. kelvint23

    General Jar of Diogenes

    Does anyone know what it does? It says "double experience for any actions completed". By action, it means...?
  20. kelvint23


    Join my very first QL launch. Will start 9 AM (GMT+7) on August 14. I will take captain seat with at least 1,180 points. Welcome all! Add my game name: Kelvint23
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