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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

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  1. Scott85625


    Thanks for the link, it sure helps
  2. Scott85625

    Windows Bug in the game.

    Thanks for the info. I tried everything you mentioned and no luck. The weird part is it happens only on Sunday and only between 0600 UTC- 2100 UTC., and its only this program. It worked fine when I 1st started playing this game in January then around April it started but only on the last day of...
  3. Scott85625

    Windows Bug in the game.

    It seems late every Saturday night that the game loses my internet connection. It usually comes back very late Sunday afternoons. Ive tried contacting support and they have no idea. This event Ive lost 5400 points, I lost a Master of The Universe and Interstellar boxes. Im pretty sure Im going...
  4. Scott85625

    Age of Ash discussion

    Update 2 got the gloves after 131 flights got another pair 3 flights later. Go figure.
  5. Scott85625

    Bonus Link 6/9/23

    Finally something actually dropped! Thank you for this gift, it is much appreciated!
  6. Scott85625

    Age of Ash discussion

    Update got the Magnetite after 32 trips to the volcano. The gloves Im still waiting currently 0-112 flights.
  7. Scott85625

    Age of Ash 2023 Award

    getting it done. Thanks for the reward badges. Thats what makes this game great, the people who play it and those who go above and beyond! Did anyone else notice the volcano started erupting the same day as the one in Hawaii? Coincidence?
  8. Scott85625

    Age of Ash discussion

    Im feeling the pain. Im on day 3 of trying to get Magnetite and im 0-27. Im also finding out for items you need to fly to get , if its a task they are found very seldom. If its not a task its found very never. Im trying to get heat proof gloves and I'm currently 0-64 flights using different...
  9. Scott85625

    Bonus Link 6/2/23

    Thanks Paula , you kick ash!
  10. Scott85625

    Android Game doesn't start

    I can load the game but it seems to be stuck in local mode and cant find the internet. I cant give or take gifts, I cant launch or recover rockets, when I try to visit neighbors the game locks up at the loading screen. I can do tasks but it doesnt add them on their server (I found this out 2...
  11. Scott85625

    Bonus Link 5/26/23

    Thanks Paula, this ole hippy appreciates it!!!
  12. Scott85625

    Rock The Sky 2023 Award

    This was a hard one. Thanks in advance and you rock for doing this!!!
  13. Scott85625

    Windows Rock the Sky - Impossible Event Tasks?

    I feel your pain I got the visit 37 tents for 400 drumsticks 2 times on day 2 that put me a day behind. Plus the 1st player in our group got 3 sound stores on day 1 and has been racking up the points.
  14. Scott85625

    Riding The Comet 2023 Award

    Tah-dah finished! Thanks for doing the award and best regards to all who play
  15. Scott85625

    May 5th 2023 - Friday Bonus

    Thank you very mnuch, have a great weekend everyone!
  16. Scott85625

    April 28 2023 - Friday Bonus

    Thak you, just what the Dr ordered!
  17. Scott85625

    A little surreal fun for the Spring Is Here minigame

    Hope everyone is have a great Monday and if you are reading it after Monday hope your upcoming one is great. Not sure about the rest of you players, but after a couple of hundred flights I needed something to make it more fun. I was doing it by rote and to be honest it just got to be boring. So...
  18. Scott85625

    Spring is Here 2023 Award

    Mission Accomplished, thanks and regards for the award
  19. Scott85625

    Bonus Link 4/21/23

    Thanks these sure do come in handy
  20. Scott85625

    Bonus Link 4/14/2023

    Thanks Paula, its folks like you that make this game as great as it is!!!
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