Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Search results

  1. Scott85625

    Thanksgiving Day 2023 Award

    Thanks in advance Dave & others!!!!! They need a Guy Fawkes challenge for our British friends, That would cover the whole month of November
  2. Scott85625

    11/10/2023 - Friday Bonus!!

    Thankjs for the link, you all are aweseome and have a great weekend!
  3. Scott85625

    Airport City 2023 Award

    Another one done, thank you in advance to the Mods doing their great job as always!!!
  4. Scott85625

    11/03 - Friday Bonus!!!

    Thanks for the link, have a great weekend!!!
  5. Scott85625

    10/27/2023 - Friday Bonus!!!!

    Thanks for the link!!!!!
  6. Scott85625

    Dark Skies 2023 Award

    And another one bites the dust!!! Thanks Mods in advance and as always you guys & gals rock!!!
  7. Scott85625

    Bonus Link - 20th October, 2023

    Thank for the link, the gifts were Bootiful!!!
  8. Scott85625

    Bonus Link - 13th October, 2023

    Thanks the link. Its a great morale booster!!!
  9. Scott85625

    Down the Rabbit Hole 2023 Award

    As I finished this I listened to White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane, seemed appropriate. Thanks in advance to he Mods for the badge, you guys rock as always!!!!
  10. Scott85625

    10/6 - Friday Bonus!!!

    Thank you for the link, it comes in handy!!! Have a great weekend.
  11. Scott85625

    Celestial Festival 2023 Award

    Another one in the books. Thanks in advance for the badge. Mods give yourselves a pat on the back for doing the badges and keeping this game fun!!!
  12. Scott85625

    9/22 - It is Friday again!!!!

    Thanks for the link!!! Tips to assist getting the link 1. Ensure morning beverage is fully consumed. 2. Wait for page with link to fully load otherwise you may click the wrong link and get nothing. Experience is what you get from a lifetime of bad judgements.
  13. Scott85625

    9/15 - Friday Bonus!!!!

    Thanks for the link, surely comes in handy
  14. Scott85625

    Cinemania 2023 Award

    Cut! And that's a Wrap! Thanks for the badge and best regards!!
  15. Scott85625

    9/8 - Friday Bonus!!

    Thanks so much for the link, you guys rock so we can roll!
  16. Scott85625

    9/1 - Friday Bonus

    Thank you very much, you guys are awesome!!!
  17. Scott85625

    Back to School 2023 Award

    Thanks in advance!!! Got this one done early, well early for me.
  18. Scott85625

    Bonus Link 8/25/23

    Thanks muchly for the link. Always comes in handy!!!
  19. Scott85625

    8/18 Friday Bonus!!

    Thanks so much!!!
  20. Scott85625

    The Great Game 2023 Award

    Thanks in advance MODS you guys rock!!!
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