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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Search results

  1. kappatango

    Warehouse buildings

    Hi, So I am starting to get a few buildings stack up in my warehouse. I am a few thousand coins from my next Town Hall upgrade at 22k - until then, I cant build anything as population maxxed out. I have lots of space, so is it worth building the "reward" buildings, or stick to buying what you...
  2. kappatango


    I cant find the info to this probably very simple question and answer. When you click on your aircraft in the warehouse, you have 3 button options (I think!) My Flights Sell Drop I understand the first 2, but what does Drop do? Ta, Karl
  3. kappatango

    "Real" Layout

    Hey, Am I the only person who wants my city to look real? From the off I have set up residential areas, industrial, commercial etc with roads that service the city, rather than single road blocks in unrealistic places just to get a building LIVE. I know it will take longer, but I am really...
  4. kappatango

    Flight on 3 Stars!

    So, I have just finished all 3 stars on the Swallow (Training, Small Village, Egypt and Cyprus). Do I keep the Swallow - Any benefit? Or sell and get a new plane? I am level 16 with a lvl 3 runway, so ready to buy a Hawk....
  5. kappatango

    Quick help!

    Quick fire bit of advice needed.... I am only level 13. My next coin spend decision is 15k on land or 15k on my first lvl3 Runway. Thoughts?
  6. kappatango

    Freind Code.....

    New player, kinda OK but struggling to get the finer points and best tactics. FC: 044y8a2te if you fancy buddying up!
  7. kappatango

    Images on Guides!

    Hey all, I dont seem to be able to see the images in the guide forums, just an icon with a red cross - any ideas?
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