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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

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  1. kappatango

    Heli pads Error :(

    Ahh, I hadn't realised you cant sell/delete helipads. Wish I had known, as I wouldnt have built 3 lvl 1 pads off the bat. I now have a lvl 2, but to upgrade my capacity to 5 is 150K and I have completed 3 stars on all lvl 1 flights :/
  2. kappatango

    Airplane Mode

    how about: If my phone is in "Airplane Mode", I get a bonus of "Flying Blind". This will make all my planes invisible :D
  3. kappatango

    Proud moment!

    I don't think it was that tough, but happy that I just completed my first Event!
  4. kappatango

    Population buildings

    Hi, I have searched loads, is there an updated version of this list anywhere? https://www.airportcitygame.com/threads/buildings-that-increase-maximum-population-passengers.5019/
  5. kappatango

    Total Flight info

    Hey all - Is there any way you can see how many flights you have completed to a destination? When I click on the Stamp, it just shows me my level in stars, with how many needed for each star. I'm interested to know total numbers to destinations! Thanks
  6. kappatango

    When I have enough, who wants to join me?

    So fed up being in an alliance where no one else works. When I get a centre, let me know below if you can commit!
  7. kappatango

    LAB RAT!!!

    Has anyone got a Space Base that I can neighbour with please? I am searching all around and cannot find a lab rat, but they ALWAYS drop from a space base. Thanks :)
  8. kappatango

    Looking for My Alliance partner from E-Airline

    Hey, I am in e-airline alliance with Roudy Baaklini. Just wondered if you are on the forum? Have searched the game name on the forum, but no luck finding you :) We have had a good few weeks
  9. kappatango

    Green Launch Well, that was simple!

    First space launch!! WOOOOHOOOOOOOOO. If had known it was that easy, I would have done it ages ago! Now to wait for my lander to return.....
  10. kappatango

    Having a dumb moment - Max Fuel

    Hey, I am sure this is obvious, but have searched around and can't see what I upgrade to increase max fuel stores?? I am currently limited to 85 oil and 300 heli...... am I totally missing something here?
  11. kappatango

    Check the loft hatch!

    Not sure if you have noticed, but snow is coming in through the forum ceiling!! Check the Tiles and loft hatch!
  12. kappatango

    Air Miles!

    Please can I have real-world air miles for every flight I complete in game.......? :D
  13. kappatango

    Need to update the cost thread.....

    It says £3.00 a year, but the next step is £5.00 a year https://www.airportcitygame.com/threads/welcome-to-the-vip-lounge.6744/
  14. kappatango

    New Player, already hooked

    Thanks for the VIP feature - only been playing a month or so, but signed right up. :)
  15. kappatango

    Blue Helicopter flights....

    I have searched, but can't find an answer. I had a number of flights ony sparrowhawk to destinations that were blue surround. They have now gone. Very high journeys 50, 400, 1000. Were these special events?
  16. kappatango

    Avoiding Town Hall?

    Town Hall upgrade is now out of reach. What other buildings increase you max population? Ta K
  17. kappatango

    multiple Airports.....

    So, some users have multiple FR codes and airports - is this on different devices, or can you start a new game without losing your old one? Ta. K
  18. kappatango

    Did it glitch on Power?

    Yesterday, I decided to trade in 10 $100 power stations for a Coal power station to create space. I screwed up the money, as I sold the 10 before realising I was 1500c short!! Weird thing was, although my power rating was showing 322/294, all my buildings were still functioning. Nothing...
  19. kappatango

    How long do the weekend codes last??

    After being published on a Friday, do they expire on the Sunday, and what time would that be in the UK? Ta,
  20. kappatango

    Making the earth move.....!

    Hi All, I am pretty sure the answer is no, but can I move land once I have bought it? In the same way as you can shift buildings around with the move tool? I dont want to shuffle a clear space only to find its fixed. Thanks!
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