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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Search results

  1. ItsRalphy

    Ready for you - too late LAUNCHED

    I have started a red launch, and am waiting just for you, so come on in. I am taking first, but all others free!
  2. ItsRalphy

    LAUNCHED - where were you?

    Blue launch started - I am taking first, but the rest are open and waiting JUST FOR YOU to join so come on in!!!
  3. ItsRalphy

    This ones for YOU . . .LAUNCHED - where were you!

    Red launch started, I am going for first, but second is just for you, come on in
  4. ItsRalphy

    LAUNCHED - too late we have gone!

    Opening a red launch in 3 minutes, and there is room for you. Lovely sunday morning in England and an early start so good old English cooked breakfast waiting, come on in!
  5. ItsRalphy

    Red Launch All English flight LAUNCHED

    Red launch started as such a lovely day! Going for first but all other place available, come on in, one is yours!!!
  6. ItsRalphy

    Another chance gone, LAUNCHED

    We are going again, all places open, @Radu81 is adding 2 QL but one expires in 1 hr 40 mins. We want YOU with us, so wake up and join - loads of room with the No 1 flight crew of the day (well the only flight crew today it seems!)
  7. ItsRalphy

    Just for YOU, come join us TOO LATE, WE'VE GONE - LAUNCHED

    Just landed from the green smaller items launch and can't wait to go again, so I have started a red launch. Don't want to go on my own, so waiting just for YOU. I am taking first, but you can have whatever other slot you want, the flightdeck is open. COME ON IN.
  8. ItsRalphy

    Red Launch This one is for YOU - LAUNCHED

    Come on in - red launch open. I would like first, although will fall a little short of half points so may change my mind. Bed in around 2 hours, and would be great to launch before then! COME ON IN, THIS ONE IS FOR YOU
  9. ItsRalphy

    Red Launch Waiting just for YOU - TOO LATE Launched

    Opened a red launch, I am going for first and will put over 1500 in, 2nd and 3rd are waiting, waiting just for YOU - come on in!
  10. ItsRalphy

    Blue Launch Need you - come on down LAUNCHED

    Very quiet in here tonight so have started a Blue launch - have only got around 600-700 so really need help - come on in, all positions open and you will be welcome - I have the kettle on or a bottle of wine in the fridge, your choice, and some cake as well. ALL VISITORS WE|LCOME
  11. ItsRalphy

    Red Launch Launch needed help, you gave it, LAUNCHED

    Ooops - tried to be clever. Thought I could join a red launch and sneak in before launch so it lands in time for the smaller items launch tomorrow - but got there and it had gone and NONE were open. So have had to start one and only have a couple of hundred to put in. Please join me you can have...
  12. ItsRalphy

    Blue Launch Come join me? Please? YOU DID AND WE LAUNCHED

    Fancied a blue launch for a change and nobody doing one so started it myself. Off to bed shortly and think I can get it to 974 before I go. Would like first, but not enough on my own, so if only one other joins I am happy with second. Come join me, please?
  13. ItsRalphy

    Red Launch Looking for YOU - come on in LAUNCHED - you came

    Red launch started, hoping for first but all are welcome and take what you can!
  14. ItsRalphy

    Red Launch Come on in, you know you want to LAUNCHED YOU MISSED IT!

    Red launch started, I am going for first and have put over 1500 in, but everything else is up for grabs. You want to join, I want you to join, what are we waiting for, come on in!!!
  15. ItsRalphy

    Green Launch LAUNCHEd - where were you!

    Started a green launch, but thought I had more to put in than I had! - Come and join me, all positions available - you want first? its yours.
  16. ItsRalphy

    Green Launch Waited for YOU, LAUNCHED

    Hi - started a green launch, and have put in 1070, so only 530 needed to launch. easy 2nd and 3rd up, so come on in and join, I am waiting for YOU
  17. ItsRalphy

    Blue Launch Come on in, I need YOU, I want YOU!

    Hi - another Blue launch started - I have put in just over 1000 for first place, but all others up for grab. I can't finish it alone, I need you and want you, come on in!
  18. ItsRalphy

    Red Launch LAUNCHED - you came on in!

    Foolishly started a red launch, as it is about time I did so. Have put 488 in but that is all I have, so I need YOU. I want YOU to come fly with me, so what are you waiting for? - first, second, third - all places up for grabs.
  19. ItsRalphy

    Blue Launch LAUNCHED for Quest, come on in!

    Just started a blue launch for quest. I have put 1100 in for first, but am about out of stock, so all other places free. Come on in!
  20. ItsRalphy

    Red Launch Launch needs help/rescue! LAUNCHED

    Hi - Went to join a launch last night, just before @wkndcmpr and @Dan Jansen set theirs up and there was one available started by @porvillewright who joined the windows forums recently. BUT, 13 hours left and we have not yet hit 1,000 so have a feeling it is going to fail - please join us if you...
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