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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Search results

  1. ItsRalphy

    Windows Help! - 0x803F8001 What do I do?

    I am getting a message when trying to open my game "Airport City is not currently available in your account. Heres the error code in case you need it: 0x803F8001" Anyone help with this? - what is it and what do I do????
  2. ItsRalphy

    Where are you? - the BEST alliance in AC wants YOU!

    Our alliance is laid back and relaxed, and no pressure. We're all advanced enough that we don't need to be in top 50, especially since regular dice are basically useless now, and just aim for an alliance map or 2 coming in weekly. We are happy getting 10% or 30% in our alliance missions to help...
  3. ItsRalphy

    KNIGHT FLIERS 2020 - The Gentle Alliance - RECRUITING, and waiting for YOU

    Knight Fliers is a level 10 alliance, and is recruiting for a like minded member. Our alliance is laid back and relaxed, and no pressure. We're all advanced enough that we don't need to be in top 50, especially since regular dice are basically useless now, and just aim for an alliance map or 2...
  4. ItsRalphy

    Gentle alliance looking for another member - KNIGHT FLIERS RECRUITING - come join us

    Knight Fliers is a level 10 alliance, and is recruiting for a like minded member. Our alliance is laid back and relaxed, and no pressure. We're all advanced enough that we don't need to be in top 50, especially since regular dice are basically useless now, and just aim for an alliance map or 2...
  5. ItsRalphy

    Come join a Gentle alliance - KNIGHT FLIERS RECRUITING

    Knight Fliers is a level 10 alliance, and is recruiting for 2 like minded members. Our alliance is laid back and relaxed, and no pressure. We're all advanced enough that we don't need to be in top 50, especially since regular dice are basically useless now, and just aim for an alliance map or 2...
  6. ItsRalphy

    Windows Videos not working on windows?

    HI - I have a new problem (Windows game) - I no longer get the options to watch videos for free upgrades etc - anyone else got this problem????
  7. ItsRalphy

    LAUNCHED Come on and join me

    Started a Green, but very little to put in myself. Come join me and fly!!!
  8. ItsRalphy

    LAUNCHED All places open, NEED YOU

    Started a green for the hell of it as out of red prep, so GREEN ON THE PAD, but need help as I can't finish it so ALL PLACES open, so come join me!
  9. ItsRalphy

    Come on in, kettles on LAUNCHED

    Good morning world - red launch on the pad, I would like first, all others for grabs, no QL at the moment, but lots of room and a welcoming host! - I will put the kettle on, come on in!
  10. ItsRalphy

    Blue Launch May launch without posting

    Moved things round in my airport, and clicked on a blue launch by mistake, so have started one. Have not got enough to get it airborne, but at 456 of 2000 at the moment. No QL from me, and ALL places open, so please come and join me!
  11. ItsRalphy

    Where were you? - LAUNCHED

    Anyone fancy a launch? - I have put a red on the pad. Would like first, but not sure if I have enough items so depends how many join. No QL, so could be 24 hours at the moment, but not a lot else going on! - come on in, waiting for you.
  12. ItsRalphy

    Red Launch Where are you? TOO LATE GONE

    Really quiet in here tonight, so am putting a red on the pad, and going for first. No QL from me, so could be 24 hours, which is fine, but the more the merrier, and if a QL joins us we will just need to finish our drinks quicker! - come on in, plenty of room for YOU
  13. ItsRalphy

    GONE - was room for YOU - we waited!

    HELLO - anyone out there? - I have started a RED launch, and am going for first, but ALL OTHER PLACES FREE. No QL and am happy with 24 hrs if none join, just want to get up into space!!! Plenty of room, come on and join me, I get lonely without company!
  14. ItsRalphy

    Red on pad, waited for you but LAUNCHED

    Hi gang - red on the pad and loads of room. No Ql, but all places up, although I would like a top 3 placing. Come on there is plenty of room.
  15. ItsRalphy

    Green Launch waited for you and LAUNCHED

    Green on the pad, all positions open and no QL, but just waiting for you to join us, so come on in and fly!
  16. ItsRalphy

    Red on pad, waited for you but LAUNCHED

    I can only do a couple of launches today so want them to be good ones. Red on the pad, and I would like first. @FarStar has joined with a QL for second, but all other places up - come on in there is room!!!
  17. ItsRalphy

    Need a blue launch - too late LAUNCHED!

    Need a blue for the side quest? @gorrion has started one and I have joined. No QL, but plenty of room. We are 1118 of 2000, so 3rd and beyond up for grabs, come join us.
  18. ItsRalphy

    LAUNCHED - Red on the pad - come fly with me?

    Hi - have started a red as it felt like a good thing to do. I have hardly any fuel to put in - so could be slow burn, but hey - will be able to plunder planetariums in a few hours and hopefully add some. Bit lonely in here - come join me???? - tell you what I have cake, and will open a bottle...
  19. ItsRalphy

    LAUNCHED Come on in whilst QL lasts

    Red on pad, have put a Ql in, but I have no ore QL's and this only has a couple of hours left so lets go for it - free flow, all places up, if anther QL join, I can get some more launches out of it!!!!
  20. ItsRalphy

    LAUNCHED you came and joined me!

    Red on the pad with QL, load of room all places up for grabs - come on in
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