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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Search results

  1. alex

    Most beatiful building in AC

    What is your personal favorite building in Airport City, My favorite is from last christmans event
  2. alex

    Time traveler / cheater (round two)

    Yes this is true, but there system will get info from the localy run game and more important every save you put on there system will overwrite the current one that is on there system. So say that version 17:00 pm is on there system, with a time travels bug, and you restore your local game to...
  3. alex

    AirportCity Cheaters list

    Some time ago, there was a bug on windows pc version. The bug was that when you use your last fual barrol (such as the facebook thing) the barrol remains for the cost of 0. It did not disappear as normaly is, when you use your last item. No it remains and could use repeatly. Say if you click it...
  4. alex

    gamerader loss of neighbors/ game reset to lev 54

    I also had that problem. It was after I contacted Game support, for some weird count down timers in some objects. Gamesupport did solve it, by sending me all the items I since build. They did not restore my game to the latest version, what was a bid sad. maby you can restore your last good game...
  5. alex

    Time traveler / cheater (round two)

    @Blue Areo What I do, when it happend to my, I restore my own backup. This "Bug" is localy saved. So if you run you local backup script (you can find some examples here on the forum) and you get the time travel bug. You can be up and running in seconds again by restoring your game from a last...
  6. alex

    GI support Timur Godlevsky

    Hi Dave, The first search I did on this forum with support and English. He pops up. I got the same problem now. With the same person. I made a very details problem description and of this description he got the wrong keywords and thinks that is the problem. I realy think he is using a...
  7. alex

    Fighter Jets and reserve hanger

    I do not get the option to sell an airplane. I only get the message that stated that I must buy an hanger. What I do: I go to the warehouse I select plane tab I select plane and click on buy Correct so far ? (please somebody say that this is correct because it was working before) Then I get...
  8. alex

    Fighter Jets and reserve hanger

    But how do you do step 2 ? then sell plane you just bought and
  9. alex

    Fighter Jets and reserve hanger

    I am getting this I can not sell planes at all. System is telling me to buy an hanger, instead of the option to sell a plane. GI tells me this is normal now. That selling an plane is not possiblel anymore, that you must buy an hanger. Or place an plane in reserver hanger. But as I see in...
  10. alex

    Alien Event 2016

    Yes normaly this should work. But the game is not giving me option to sell a plane. It is giving me the option to buy an hanger.
  11. alex


    FYI, the windows store app on my pc is telling me that there are no updates. So I also think it is a glitch
  12. alex

    Alien Event 2016

    I got the fighter yet, but can not use it, I can not get an empty hanger. Normaly I go to new stuf, and buy a new plane, then the game should tell me to sell a plane first because all hangers all full. Now the game is telling me, to build a new hanger. What off course is not possible, do not got...
  13. alex

    A bit confused...

    I find it kind of lame. They knew that the community (the very active players) where using snow. So what has happened this weekend should be no surprise Some kind of official communication about this, would be better. (Dear players, if you use snow last week, then you can not use.... And so on)...
  14. alex

    Building counter broken

    Also got it, send an ticked. They fixed it, by restoring the last game before the update. ! So all progress of the last 15 days was gone. I complained and somehow they send me the new buildings I collected in the 15 days to my old game.
  15. alex

    How to backup your game and fix bad update

    Hi, New version, a new savegame folder and so an new procedure. In the new version, GI did some handy work for us. Your new savegame file seems to be SaveProfile.bin And they created an backup for us called SaveProfile_backup.bin Simple copy SaveProfile_backup.bin to SaveProfile.bin would...
  16. alex


    Just tried, but no joy
  17. alex


    Anyone got ideer how to fix the two buidings in the pic. I do not think I got to live so long
  18. alex

    Weekend code 25 December 2015

    I am just been updated here, is that normal, no more greenies in the updated version ?
  19. alex

    Windows 10 Update is here

    Damm, it is serieus buggy here 1. Visting an other player or closing the game, reset it all. Everything can be collected again. Plane comes in directly. like the time is resetted.For example what works is, select fual 15, set plane to Goa, then go to other players word and straigaway comeback to...
  20. alex

    Weekend code 25 December 2015

    I am getting a business class chair on windows, is that normal ?
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