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Fighter Jets and reserve hanger


1100+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
I had the same problem. All of my hangars were full and I had an open spot in my reserve hangar. When I tried to activate the jet fighter from my warehouse, I couldn't push one of my planes out of my regular hangar into the reserve hangar. I ended up buying a powerful-propeller driven aircraft and using it to bump one of the planes in from the regular hangar and into the reserve hangar. I then sold the powerful-propeller driven aircraft, which opened up a spot in the regular hangar. I was then able to put the jet fighter in the regular hangar.


150+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
I am getting this


I can not sell planes at all. System is telling me to buy an hanger, instead of the option to sell a plane. GI tells me this is normal now.
That selling an plane is not possiblel anymore, that you must buy an hanger. Or place an plane in reserver hanger. But as I see in your post, selling is still posible. Only not possible for me.


350+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
You have to do following - if you have at least one empty space in reserver hangar:
- buy propeller plane (200 coins) and put it on existing plane - so you can move plane to hangar.
- then sell plane you just bought and
- then in empty hangar put Jet Plan

You can't sell plan from Reserve hangar or Warehouse and you can't put plane from warehouse into Hangar if it is already occupied.
  1. iPad
Friend Code
Marios 888
Marios 888
@alex if it is in the hangar and not flying, you go to the warehouse, in your airplanes and in you active airpanes it says : "my flights" but in the airplane you want to sell and is not active writes "sell".
i did it and it works.!!!


150+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
I do not get the option to sell an airplane. I only get the message that stated that I must buy an hanger.

What I do:
I go to the warehouse
I select plane tab
I select plane and click on buy

Correct so far ? (please somebody say that this is correct because it was working before)

Then I get an message block saying: Warning empty hanger is mandatory (with oke buttom and a No buttom)
If I select OK then I go to the updated price of tower
If I select No, it stops and I return to the airport

I think that RED is an bugg, because I am expecting to get the option to sell a plane. somebody agree with this ?
can i fly a plane from reserve hangar, and then fly 13 planes in my case where I have 13 planes in hangar!!??!!
You can fly as much planes as you have in your hangars in your city the max is 13
If you want to fly a plane from your reserve hangar thre are two ways of doing this.
1.You sell a plane that is activly in one of your hangars and use one from the reserve hangar bi transfering this one to you empty hangar .
2. You can exchange a plane from your Reservehangar with a plane in a Regularhangar just click take and replace it with one in a hangar .
hope this helps
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