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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

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  1. Hyperion1722

    8.4 Update is Out

    you mean "what" to replenish?
  2. Hyperion1722

    8.4 Update is Out

    It was switched with the new update. What is absurdly annoying is that free ads always ends with blank screen on my ipad mini and has to restart the app.
  3. Hyperion1722

    iOS Ad Videos crash the game

    It is a ploy from GI so that you will be forced to upgrade using greenies. That's why they are not fixing it. Such greed...
  4. Hyperion1722

    Windows Moving game from Windows to iPad?

    I am quite surprised on your windows app. Mine has ads. Maybe it is a regional location issue.
  5. Hyperion1722

    8.4 Update is Out

    I posted these before on forced ads. Further, IOS ads does not work. It will just leave you a blank screen after the ads is finished.
  6. Hyperion1722

    Windows Cinemania 2020 messed up rankings: finished 2 after been ahead 2000 tickets all day last day !?

    They might have collected the rewards at the closing end of the game.
  7. Hyperion1722

    Windows Moving game from Windows to iPad?

    Why not create another account for your iPad while continue playing with your Windows version?
  8. Hyperion1722

    what do you prefer: NEW EVENT FORMAT (NEF) or OLD EVENT FORMAT (OEF)

    Patience is the key here. The only purchase I made was a sale for 110 greenies for expansion and that's it. I am not doing another purchase for this crappy game.
  9. Hyperion1722

    8.4 Update is Out

    No android update yet. Seems that GI apologists are all silent. Actually issues and errors are piling up and they are not really updating the app through events. It is more like GI is focused on how they can collect money out of these events rather than fixing the increasing issues and problems...
  10. Hyperion1722

    Update 8.3 is Out -- Dark Skies 2020

    I noticed that the update is now forcing ads even if you do not trigger it.
  11. Hyperion1722

    Android Bonus problem

    Same here. Every recent update done by GI multiplies problems rather than resolving them.
  12. Hyperion1722

    Update 8.3 is Out -- Dark Skies 2020

    I received three updates for my windows account just for this event. What kind of stupidity is GI doing. Seems these idiotic programmers are doing trial and error on updates. What a mess. The level of incompetence of GI is beyond me.
  13. Hyperion1722

    Update 8.3 is Out -- Dark Skies 2020

    I cannot use my comfort class bonuses. What happened here?
  14. Hyperion1722

    iOS Has your account been suspended/blocked for “violation of terms”/cheating?

    " They are well aware of the issue and I’m sure they’re doing what they can to fix it. " Are they really fixing this issue? I got banned not doing something in the game on this time travel idiosyncracy. There is no such thing as time travel. But definitely and most assuredly - there are lots of...
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