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Guide for Airship and Maps?

Maybe it's right in front of me, which is why I cannot locate it..HaHa.
I got the airship but unsure how to proceed. I bought some maps/destinations, so, do I simply click use one and off I go?
Where do you want to go to? Which collection. ? If it’s your first, easiest is Mesamerica. If you have a load of mesoamerica maps from Duke, they work like LL. One map one flight. Yes click and off you go. Don’t know how many maps you’ve got but many people load up on pax and fuel, and fly non stop speed up for the duration of one or more bonuses to increase the chances of a drop. Fly, speed up, finish and off agin. Till you run out of maps.
Thanks, Madge, always there to lend a hand!
Yes, I tried Mesamerica as I have a few of these (plus others), clicked on it and nothing happened. Have a few maps now but I'll hunt around for a guide or reach out to a neighbor who has the Airship. BTW, thanks for all your help re-support and gifts.
You dont click on the map. Click on the map icon at the top of the flight screen. Scroll though the list of flights available. If you have maps in the warehouse there will be no red circle.


Barkmi4 (Mike)

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Barkmi4 *items*
Well then, that would explain it and it now seems logical.
Thanks so much!
I believe this is what you were looking for:
After having a read, feel free to ask more specific questions. Lots of people will have tips on how to fly, but you probably need a better grasp on the basics first ;).
Personally I fly the excavation maps in slow time. These are the maps that have excavation in the name, which are stored in the flight item section of your warehouse. These act as flight items, 1 map, 1 flight. From these destinations drop maps. These are active for a set time - here most players use stored fuel to complete as many as possible in the time.
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Barkmi4 (Mike)

1000+ Star Club
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Barkmi4 *items*
Here's a question..
Under Resources I have 2 Map Chests. There's a button that says "Use". If clicked will this put these into the Inventory section along and add to ones already there? Or, is this only to use when ready? Thanks.
If it is a chest, it will open and you will be presented with one of five maps. If you hit use on the map, the timer starts.
Okay but can I can place it in inventory to use later?
Adventure maps: Plain no. If it’s a single map, and you click on it, the timer starts and there’s no way of stopping it.
Excavation “maps” are in fact flight items, so 1 flight = 1 item. They’re not “activated”. They are stored in the warehouse, together with landing lamps, fuel hoses and the like. If you scroll the excavation and adventure flights, and you happen to have excavation maps in the warehouse, those flights can be triggered. Hope I made sense.
Adventure maps: Plain no. If it’s a single map, and you click on it, the timer starts and there’s no way of stopping it.
Excavation “maps” are in fact flight items, so 1 flight = 1 item. They’re not “activated”. They are stored in the warehouse, together with landing lamps, fuel hoses and the like. If you scroll the excavation and adventure flights, and you happen to have excavation maps in the warehouse, those flights can be triggered. Hope I made sense.
Okay, I understand, thanks so much for the detailed reply. :)

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