What is your strategy to fly to Area 51? I've got 6 jets and 30 maps and I can probably fly with up to 5 jets - freeing more hangar space will cost me a fortune.
And if you don’t want (or can’t) spend so much fuel, use 2 jets, half a dozen maps, and just speed up according to your resources. I didn’t count, but I think I’ve spent around 150 F20 barrels and 6 maps to get it done. I have 2 other jets in the warehouse (not in the hangar) that I intend to save for next year.2 jets, some amount of fuel to speed up and 1 map is enough to get the quest checked. A few hundreds fuels to get 6 crop circles.
Since fighter jet take space in the hangars, i sell them when i’m done but collect the new ones from flying event destinations for next time.