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Red Launch QL Party

Until when next, we'll have another QL party, I want to charge and encourage those who may be new to launches - that if you must enjoy launch parties and obtain ql,
- strategy and patience is key
- Do more of green launches and obtain maps
- visit neighbors planetarium buildings
- avoid launches for 2-3 weeks. For those very new to launches, can stay off launch for about a month or two. This will enable you save lots for launch prep items to do many launches.
- ensure to run down the 3hrs duration of every green map
- also do adventure flights to obtain launch prep items.
- Also flights to Turkey Coast to save at least 500 landing lamps before doing maps is ideal.

I want to further encourage those reading this comment, especially those that are new, give yourself a target of one or two months of saving launch preps items.

Then, we all come back here together and have the largest party ever in the history of this forum.

Let me get your opinions on this.

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