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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

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  • Hi Harcourt

    Yeah I have been thinking of doing the same thing. Reducing time on this game.

    would you please tell and guide me how i can use to referring neighbor.
    many thanks in advance for your replying .
    Hi! I'm trying to complete the items for the furniture factor,and i saw in your items the last item i need. Is there any possibility to send me some sliding table saw;
    Hi Harcourt, it's Spooksue here from Australia and I would like to be your neighbour. My friend code is 20oohxfj.
    Event Finished !! Current Needs Fuel 20, Attitude Indicator, E-Reader, Landing Lamp. Thank You !!

    I seem to have lost your main game on my support game... could you add me again please, so I can send your gifts to the correct game?? Don't know how this happened, sorry about this.. my code for suzy2 is 20fhedp3
    Thank you
    Hi Suzy, think the problem is with me ! I changed the name to
    Harc-No Gifts. I am trying to complete the event in my supports.

    I still have Suzy2 as a neighbour. If you still can't find me, let me know and I will delete and then add you. Regards Harcourt
    Oh all right then, I still have Harc No Gifts on my second game.. maybe you can add my second game to your support games as well so I can help you there !!!! Regards Suzy
    Hi Suzy, Invites sent. My support games do not fly that much. Just occasional events, (as now). Please note that I cannot guarantee gifts received on these accounts will be returned, although I will always try my best.
    Regards Harcourt
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