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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Latest activity

Page Edit date Member Size
Refrigerator Jenn B 444 bytes
Freezer Jenn B 444 bytes
Green Belt Jenn B 501 bytes
Ice Shackles Jenn B 639 bytes
Liquid Nitrogen Jenn B 363 bytes
Snowmaker Jenn B 369 bytes
Cold Winter Jenn B 542 bytes
Christmas Elves Jenn B 521 bytes
Five Continents Jenn B 768 bytes
Forgetful Santa Jenn B 504 bytes
Santa Jet Jenn B 512 bytes
Snowman Jenn B 749 bytes
Ski Resort Jenn B 793 bytes
Clock Tower House Jenn B 1,043 bytes
Hockey Field Jenn B 779 bytes
Ice Castle Jenn B 848 bytes
Ice Hotel Jenn B 672 bytes
Ice Sculpture Park Jenn B 879 bytes
Magical Bauble Jenn B 805 bytes
Magical Christmas Tree Jenn B 822 bytes
The Land of Opportunity Jenn B 11,630 bytes
Mulled Wine Factory Jenn B 785 bytes
Santa's Workshop Jenn B 857 bytes
Skating Rink Jenn B 868 bytes
Snowmobile Hire Station Jenn B 790 bytes
Christmas Tree Jenn B 817 bytes
Faster than the Wind Jenn B 550 bytes
Into the White Jenn B 627 bytes
Gifts for Africa Jenn B 528 bytes
Gifts for Australia Jenn B 535 bytes
Gifts for Eurasia Jenn B 531 bytes
Gifts for North America Jenn B 543 bytes
Gifts for South America Jenn B 543 bytes
Star Dust Jenn B 479 bytes
Christmas Elf Jenn B 398 bytes
Candy Cane Jenn B 1,704 bytes
Icicle Jenn B 304 bytes
Old Lantern Jenn B 415 bytes
Snowball Jenn B 307 bytes
Artificial Ice Jenn B 381 bytes
Christmas Gifts Set Jenn B 412 bytes
Cold Winter Set Jenn B 451 bytes
Elven Set Jenn B 315 bytes
Winter Equipment Jenn B 382 bytes
Santa's Chest Jenn B 273 bytes
Snow Globe Manor Jenn B 1,007 bytes
Santa's House Jenn B 858 bytes
Merry Manor Jenn B 809 bytes
Igloo Jenn B 776 bytes
Gingerbread House Jenn B 816 bytes
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