Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Latest activity

Page Edit date Member Size
Thermal Spa Paula 874 bytes
Deep Space Paula 416 bytes
Junior Pilot Paula 622 bytes
Reserve Hangar Chloe11111 3,096 bytes
Vancouver LX Air - Teresa 692 bytes
Sapporo LX Air - Teresa 686 bytes
Khabarovsk LX Air - Teresa 684 bytes
Reykjavik LX Air - Teresa 693 bytes
Collections Chest 03-08 Paula 510 bytes
Country House LX Air - Teresa 1,012 bytes
Holiday Rush Sai 10,520 bytes
The Great Game Sai 15,948 bytes
Down the Rabbit Hole Sai 15,249 bytes
Cinemania Sai 14,972 bytes
Back to School Sai 11,543 bytes
World of Wildlife Sai 13,769 bytes
A list of historic events Sai 11,424 bytes
Holiday Rush Sai 10,517 bytes
A list of historic events Sai 11,463 bytes
Down the Rabbit Hole Sai 15,218 bytes
The Great Game Sai 15,923 bytes
Superfast Plane LX Air - Teresa 703 bytes
Scientific Plane LX Air - Teresa 876 bytes
Scientific Plane Paula 878 bytes
Thermal Spa Paula 820 bytes
Superfast Plane Paula 703 bytes
Art Center LX Air - Teresa 1,024 bytes
Scientific Plane Paula 815 bytes
Thermal Spa Paula 759 bytes
Art Center Paula 1,008 bytes
A list of historic events Sai 11,480 bytes
The Great Game Sai 15,923 bytes
Burial Vault Chloe11111 1,086 bytes
Water Mill Chloe11111 727 bytes
Water Mill Paula 744 bytes
Ivy-Covered House Chloe11111 682 bytes
Abandoned Hotel Chloe11111 911 bytes
Abandoned Amusement Park Chloe11111 819 bytes
Ivy-Covered House Chloe11111 642 bytes
Commercial Buildings Chloe11111 7,045 bytes
Ivy-Covered House Chloe11111 580 bytes
Automobile Factory LX Air - Teresa 775 bytes
Commercial Buildings LX Air - Teresa 7,027 bytes
Event Items LX Air - Teresa 19,109 bytes
A list of historic events Sai 11,465 bytes
Event Items LX Air - Teresa 19,313 bytes
Event Items Chloe11111 19,109 bytes
Alliance Flights Chloe11111 6,027 bytes
Shenzhen Chloe11111 574 bytes
Pilgrim Hat Sai 1,748 bytes
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