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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

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Page Edit date Member Size
Zoo Sai 1,519 bytes
Library of Congress Sai 1,239 bytes
Jefferson Memorial Sai 999 bytes
Lincoln Memorial Sai 1,016 bytes
Gift Shop Sai 889 bytes
House of Miracles Sai 984 bytes
Alamo Sai 1,104 bytes
A list of historic events LX Air - Teresa 12,936 bytes
The Land of Opportunity Sai 12,625 bytes
Liberty Tower Sai 1,138 bytes
The Land of Opportunity Sai 12,682 bytes
Age of Ash Sai 17,781 bytes
A list of historic events LX Air - Teresa 12,920 bytes
Age of Ash Sai 17,775 bytes
Age of Ash Sai 17,775 bytes
Reputation Level LX Air - Teresa 2,191 bytes
A list of historic events LX Air - Teresa 12,896 bytes
A list of historic events LX Air - Teresa 12,886 bytes
A list of historic events Paula 12,873 bytes
Long-Awaited Mail LX Air - Teresa 15,261 bytes
A list of historic events Paula 12,562 bytes
Cape Town Sai 980 bytes
A list of historic events Paula 12,547 bytes
On The Wings of Love Sai 12,521 bytes
Spa Hotel Sai 850 bytes
Spare Parts Paula 497 bytes
A list of historic events LX Air - Teresa 12,536 bytes
Dancing with the Leprechauns Sai 11,544 bytes
Santa's Bad Mood LX Air - Teresa 3,273 bytes
Dancing with the Leprechauns Paula 11,526 bytes
A list of historic events Paula 12,515 bytes
Tent Jenn B 327 bytes
Guest Planes Paula 5,582 bytes
A list of historic events Paula 12,487 bytes
Attitude Indicator Paula 459 bytes
A list of historic events Sai 12,534 bytes
A Walk in the Clouds Sai 13,226 bytes
A Walk in the Clouds LX Air - Teresa 13,200 bytes
Land Expansion Price Chloe11111 5,490 bytes
Land Expansion Price Chloe11111 5,450 bytes
Airport City Event Sai 12,011 bytes
A list of historic events Paula 12,514 bytes
Land Expansion Price Chloe11111 5,327 bytes
A list of historic events Sai 12,424 bytes
Airport Cash Paula 361 bytes
Valley of the Kings Curse Paula 16,279 bytes
Hawk Paula 2,091 bytes
Possessed Passengers 10 LX Air - Teresa 369 bytes
Quiet Place LX Air - Teresa 1,066 bytes
Valley of the Kings Curse LX Air - Teresa 16,279 bytes
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