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Winter Dream Special Event - How To Collect Green Notes From The Vehicles In Your City And Airport

There are up to 26 special events which will become available to players during the course of the game year. One of the two special events for you to look out for is the Winter Dream, the other special event is The Celestial Festival, which will become available in September. The Winter Dream special event will become available to players in December, and will remain active for 16 consecutive days, during which time players will be able to collect free Green Notes by clicking on vehicles in their games.

Please note - players will need to be on Game Level 7 for the special event to become available.

When the special event becomes available a unique icon will appear on the game screen, located on the left hand side of the screen. When clicked on, the Winter Dream special event menu will appear. To undertake the event, work your way through both the Basic Class Pass Ticket (free to access) and Premium Class Pass Ticket (will need to be purchased to access), you will need to complete collections, construct event buildings, undertake side missions, undertake flight destinations, clear snowdrifts in your city, land guest planes at your airport etc.

For more detailed information with regards to the Winter Dream and other special events in the series, you will need to read through the following user guide, The Airport City Game - All The Twenty Six Special Events Throughout The Game Year www.airportcitygame.com/threads/the-airport-city-game-all-the-twenty-six-special-events-during-the-game-year.28060/


Before you are able to collect Green Notes, you will need to make solid and live the Winter Machinery Plant building, and place it on the city side of your game, after which the Snow Removal Vehicles will appear. By clicking on each of the Snow Removal Vehicles you will always receive One Gold Coin, sometimes receive One Snow Shovel and sometimes receive One Green Note. The building will also give you 57 gold coins every 1 hour and will always drop two Candy Canes. The building will also increase your city population +15. The building will be a permanent structure in your city, which means that the next time the special event becomes available in December, you will be able to collect green notes from the first day.

To obtain the building, you will need to complete Stage 5 of the Basic Class Pass Ticket. You will not be able to obtain the building by any other game method e.g. Store Purchase, Flight Collection. You will need Snow Blades x10 to construct the building, they will drop very seldom from the following nine flight destinations, Quebec (Owl), Innsbruck (Hawk), Fargo (Raven), Copenhagen (Eagle), Reykjavik (Jumbo), Khabarovsk (Giant), Nuremberg (Falcon), Sapporo (Thunderbird), Vancouver (Condor). The flight destinations will only become available during the Winter Dream special event. Only one building will be required for the event, and you will not be able to have more than one building in your city. Although the building can not be sold, it can be housed in your Warehouse, this will cost you 4,800 Gold Coins to move the building into storage. Please note - you will need to be on Game Level 7 in order to obtain the event building.

Your game will have multiple vehicles, they will differ in colour, and travel at the same time, but in different directions. The Gold Coin Symbol will randomly appear on some cars, but not all cars. You will need to move your mouse pointer until it is above the moving vehicle, then click to collect. You will not know what will drop from each vehicle, besides One Gold Coin, which will always drop. You will need to repeat the process, patience will be required.

As to how many green notes you will be able to collect, during the 16 day special event, will depend on how much time you are prepared to spend clicking the cars which display gold coins. It is possible for players to earn themselves a good few hundred green notes during the special event. You will need to keep in mind that the frequency of the drop rate will increase over time, in other words, you will need to click more and more cars in order for green notes to drop.

There is a wealth of user guide information to be found in the Airport City Guides section, of the members forum. I have written the user guides to help you with your game. They will provide you with all the information you need, to help you make a success of your game.

Last Updated: Thursday 16th January 2025 at 13.10pm London UK Time
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Captain WH Rollins

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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
If you are happy and quite prepared to spend the entire duration of the Winter Dream special event clicking on cars, you can collect a good few hundred green notes.

Captain WH Rollins
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