So confused - need a night cap to calm my nerves. Good night all!Maybe when @ItsRalphy is feelin a might tipsy from hangin; down the local pub, he might be getting to throw in a few Scottish, or Irish phrases.
And if ya listen closely, ya might just understand a wee bit of what he is sayin' there me lads and lasses.
Okay now for today's lesson in visiting. Since I need all the passengers I can get, I've increased my population/ residences significantly in !KB city.
Ya might see a wee bit of those buildings ya need visit to collect things if ye be a newcomer. But don't be drinkin' too much of that ale or ye be a wee bit blinded and miss em down in the back end of the city.
Gifts were sent by way of FEDEX, From !KB and !KB2, but again only a wee bit of that ale or you are sure to miss the doorbell when delivery rings you up.
BTW there is a new addition to !KB2 city. I got my first rocket garden today.