Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen (Saturday 23rd June 2018 at 07.20am BST UK)
All my gift items, on this bright and sunny morning, have all been gifted to my neighbours, far ealier than my usual time. My thanks and appreciation for all the continued gift items received, they are all very much welcomed.
I have this morning finally reached and spent 4,000,000 coins and begun the uprade process for the Control Tower to level 11 (all the needed upgrade building gift items are in place). I now have 11 days and 23 hours to wait before the building appears semi solid. It has taken such a very long time to reach this point and it is very pleasing indeed. In the mean time, there is so much more to do.
Have a great weekend, wherever you are in the world.
Captain WH Rollins
All my gift items, on this bright and sunny morning, have all been gifted to my neighbours, far ealier than my usual time. My thanks and appreciation for all the continued gift items received, they are all very much welcomed.
I have this morning finally reached and spent 4,000,000 coins and begun the uprade process for the Control Tower to level 11 (all the needed upgrade building gift items are in place). I now have 11 days and 23 hours to wait before the building appears semi solid. It has taken such a very long time to reach this point and it is very pleasing indeed. In the mean time, there is so much more to do.
Have a great weekend, wherever you are in the world.
Captain WH Rollins