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Windows - Weekly Trading Thread - February 22nd 2016

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Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Usually I get between 5 and 8K depending on the drops. It varies a bunch. I have a couple times a little higher but mostly towards the middle of that range. Today I picked up two launch chests so that added 4K plus the the 5 coins per click so it was a slower rate than normal.

Yes, that's really low. Not sure what to suggest which will help increase your figures. There may be something going on in the background, within the game, which has an effect on your score rate? Although you are on level 60, perhaps you need to be further along, in terms of buildings and structures which will increase your income. Not really sure what else to say which will be of help to you.

The following serve me extremely well when visiting my neighbours - Green, Blue and Red Launcher Pads, Planitariums, Training Centre's, Mission Control Centre's (L3), Research Labs and Astronaut Acadamy's. They are the only locations I really focus on when collecting items and chests, as well as coins for completing collections - the rewards for completion vary from 150, 300, 800 to 2000 coins - which all add up to healthy totals.

Blue Aero

350+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Blue Aero
Boy, it sure is boring doing nothing but flights and collecting coins! 2 good things however - I can still receive gifts even tho I can't send (thank you so much neighbors), and I am nearly halfway to my mission control center level 3!!! 191,104 coins as of now.

Sure miss visiting everybody and sending gifts. Hope I'll be back up and running in a day or 2.:depressed::depressed::depressed:

I had it two mondays in a row until it was fixed (for now anyway) - the last a few weeks ago. My regular launch teammate had it last monday. The second time it took three days for them to unlock it. I don't think they have many (if any) support on the weekends to unlock it.


150+ Star Club
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davejoyg, djg#
Yes, that's really low. Not sure what to suggest which will help increase your figures. There may be something going on in the background, within the game, which has an effect on your score rate? Although you are on level 60, perhaps you need to be further along, in terms of buildings and structures which will increase your income. Not really sure what else to say which will be of help to you.

I'll keep chugging along. My airport is rather small for someone at level 60. I did not know about the weekend code until this past Dec When Ten33go mentioned it in his newbie post. So my land expansions have been very slow. I've added more land in the past 60 days than I did in the prior 6 months. I can't wait to expand again and finally add a green launch pad. But first up is the new runway.

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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Top Poster Of The Month
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
I'll keep chugging along. My airport is rather small for someone at level 60. I did not know about the weekend code until this past Dec When Ten33go mentioned it in his newbie post. So my land expansions have been very slow. I've added more land in the past 60 days than I did in the prior 6 months. I can't wait to expand again and finally add a green launch pad. But first up is the new runway.

My game site is also small when compared with others players. This I do not mind, I'm not in a hurry and this is not a race. Land expansion is also my main problem since I refuse to spend any real money on the game. I purchase land every 3 to 4 weeks, when we receive the weekend code green notes. Patience and resolve is tested.
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Please Message me to request
To all my wonderful friends (he wants something hehe!) I will soon be able to start building my control tower upgrade and have all the items needed except for
3 transmitters (thisis what they look like as I think there may be another type as well)

X 3

Blue Aero

350+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Blue Aero
My game site is also small when compared with others players. This I do not mind, I'm not in a hurry and this is not a race. Land expansion is also my main problem since I refuse to spend any real money on the game. I purchase land every 3 to 4 weeks, when we receive the weekend code green notes. Patience and resolve is tested.

I wish I had your patience - it would have saved me a lot of real money :( I've spent way too much on this "free" game.
I had it two mondays in a row until it was fixed (for now anyway) - the last a few weeks ago. My regular launch teammate had it last monday. The second time it took three days for them to unlock it. I don't think they have many (if any) support on the weekends to unlock it.
It's fixed for now. They still couldn't tell me what to do when we switch to daylight savings time. With as many people in the US, I would think it wouldn't be a problem. I went ahead and set my clock to adjust for daylight savings time automatically.

Blue Aero

350+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Blue Aero
I'll keep chugging along. My airport is rather small for someone at level 60. I did not know about the weekend code until this past Dec When Ten33go mentioned it in his newbie post. So my land expansions have been very slow. I've added more land in the past 60 days than I did in the prior 6 months. I can't wait to expand again and finally add a green launch pad. But first up is the new runway.

I've spent a lot of real money on this game :( If you do not want to spend money, another way to increase your income is landing a LOT of guest planes. They bring passengers and fuel and a FEW coins - the real money from them is when you complete collections (and some when you get so many collections you get free buildings)

Blue Aero

350+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Blue Aero
It's fixed for now. They still couldn't tell me what to do when we switch to daylight savings time. With as many people in the US, I would think it wouldn't be a problem. I went ahead and set my clock to adjust for daylight savings time automatically.

Other countries have daylight savings time too - and they are not all the same. I asked the question too (I've only been playing since november) I did turn off getting time from the internet. Apparently whatever database backup they do does something to the time monday afternoons (central US time) and that was when I was getting the time traveler. Glad yours is fixed! :)
Game name is close but I don't think so. Probably just one of the one's the game puts through - I'll leave it for a while, see if anybody owns up. This is the one I thought it might be:

but if it is, I'm not sure I would want him/her as a neighbor!

Blue Aero

350+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Blue Aero
Please send the following if you have it:
5 Glazing Machine, 5 Crucible, 4 Tunnel Freezer
If not, fuel hoses, props, fuel20 and whatever else is welcome. Trying to get the sweets factory up and running to store lollipops before I need them (wish I had done so with flight catering) already have a supply of blankets from my laundry (thankfully)
  1. Windows PC
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Aero Aereola
I missed the post you had about not getting the grinding machines. Been sending them every other day all week. Will keep sending so you'll have them. I wonder what you have been receiving.

Hold your lanterns until the quests on the left menu ask for them. I found the ghosts gave up nothing until the quest listed the need. Might need to grin and bear it and use the lanterns for other quest items later...I just have not got that far yet. The black wraiths seem few and far between.

Yeah sorry about that - nothing came in at all. Kinda dumb on the games part. At least substitute the item for something lower... Oh well, live and learn.

Good tip on the lanterns. I just basically blew a nights worth of neighbor visits chasing ghosts and got maybe one lantern per visit. I did get the crystal ball, but don't want to waste it until I have some dedicated time to play...
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