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Windows - Weekly Trading Thread - February 22nd 2016

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  1. Windows Mobile
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KuGy Itemneeded
For neighbors, who sent me event gifts, I used the send back button to send Aerosol:
- thanks for event gifts! If send back didn't worked, please contact me! :)

(#l requireditem) – Thanks for Aerosol. I sent you Fruit Lollipop. Could you send me Aerosol?
@Joe7 (Joe7 / A(whiteboard / Joe7-2-3-4)) – Thanks for Lanterns and Fuel(20). I sent you Aerosol. Could you send me Fuel(20) and Bright Lanterns?
@Cath (Cath 1) – Thanks for Bright Lantern. I sent you Fuel Supply. Could you send me Pearl Earrings?
@Davejoyg (davejoyg_reuireditem) – Thanks for Oscillating Beacon. I sent you White Gold Bracelet. Could you send me Landing Lamp?
@gbswales (gbswales99) – Thanks for Fuel Supply. I sent you Aerosol. I gave up asking, send anything.
@Robert (Robster) – Thanks for Walkie-talkie. I sent you Aerosol. Could you send me Event Stuff?
@Kesh (Kesh Fuel 20 / Sheekee) – Thanks for Spare Wire. I sent you Fuel(20). Could you send me Aerosol?
(Marko fuel / Spacesuit) – Thanks for Altimeter. I sent you Aircraft Tire. Could you send me Altimeter?
@tanmaya mahapatra
(T(itemneeded)) – Thanks for Deicer. I sent you Deicer. Could you send me Fuel Supply?
@Kris (Turion_requireditem) – Thanks for Navigation Module. I sent you Navigation Module. Could you send me Landing Lamp?
@Wasted Eagle(WastedEagle FUEL) – Thanks for Spare Wire.I sent you Spare Wire. Could you send me Fuel Supply?
Thank you @Wasted Eagle

The Washington Monument was a big mistake !! When the game loads it opens with a screen 0f things to buy. Somehow I managed to click on the ' Buy ' button and spent 99 greenies on a mystery super building. Expensive mistake !

Ouch - I feel your pain with that one. I have got caught with that clicking, but not for more than 5 greenies thank goodness!
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
Hi All. I'm back its Urami.. I have been gone a long time but want to get back into the swing of things. Hope some of my old friends are still here. My computer broke and was unable to play I didn't just desert you guys. Now I am in desperate need of big flight items, (beacons, nav's, fuel hoses, props.) I will adjust my signature soon so everyone knows what I have and need. If any one wants to add me as a friend my friend code is wzvibdb also connected to NYnoni . Would also like to create or join an Alliance id anyone is interested..

Wasted Eagle

1200+ Star Club
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Please send me spare prop or fuel hose (both are flight items not repair items) or glazing machine and I can send the beacons OR the glazing machines
We can exchange glazing machines. (y)
And thanks for correcting my sig. I believe you'll have no problem noticing when it's time to switch from glazing machines to beacons... ;)
I have a couple of EVENT TIPS for you.

Someone posted yesterday that when you activate the crystal ball and are landing ghost planes, as the ghost plane is refuelling, visit Madlen come straight back and a new ghost plane will be ready to land without waiting the normal full minute for a new one, and you can land more in your bonus. I did this yesterday, and it worked. NOW I have also noticed that whilst landing ghost plans, black wraiths appeared around my city, SO I thought I would try both. Tonight, whilst landing ghost planes, I did my visiting (going as fast as I could) and it worked slightly - I landed more planes, and I got 5 black wraiths, which whilst not a lot is more than yesterdays visiting, and they dropped event items.

Second one - the pumpkin patches cost 5 greenies each, so are fairly rare compared to the Halloween shops, but when visiting they seem to have a higher drop rate, So when visiting neighbours, look for these first!

There you go, that's it for today!

Happy flying

Deleted member 5399

All gift's out from !KB and !KB2.
Appreciate all those who sent me something in return.
Looking for 31 Aerosol Cans to rid myself of the Black Wraiths; whatever or wherever GI dreamed them up.
I suppose they could be doing the Texas Two Step or that little jig, the elves and Leprechauns do.
I still do not understand the importance of those Leydin Jars or whatever they are?
I was told to collect 10 on the side challenge and only acquired 8. Do I still need 2 more? Honestly I have no idea. So
just in case, although all side challenges are complete, someone slide me a couple of those.
But from where I see it, I only have the 31 Wraiths to contend with. Guess I'll have Crystal Balls, and flashlights leftover for next year maybe.
Oh one very important thing.
The attached picture shows the location of two each Halloween shops, two each bookstores, and the cemetery. Must either be a pet cemetery or some rich family's plot, perhaps. Never will be big enough for the whole town, lest we bury em several 100 feet deep.


  • Halloween.JPG
    153.4 KB · Views: 104


350+ Star Club
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  1. Windows Mobile
Agent L
I still do not understand the importance of those Leydin Jars or whatever they are?
I was told to collect 10 on the side challenge and only acquired 8. Do I still need 2 more? Honestly I have no idea. So
just in case, although all side challenges are complete, someone slide me a couple of those.
yep, Leyden Jars are only for 2 missions of the side quest, AFAIK.
Just wanted to let my neighbors know that I won't be sending gifts for (hopefully) only a day or so - got the Time Travelers bug while visiting neighbors. Don't give up on me - I'll be back!

Hope you get fixed soon. You are needed for Launches !!

In fact I was thinking of christening you the Launch Queen

Best Wishes


350+ Star Club
Wow, received a bunch of gifts, thanks for it. Send my 20 gifts for today and already a waiting list for tomorrow.

Couldn't play yesterday so lost a day for the event, keep on trying to complete it.

@Eric K : welcome back, you're still on my neighbour list.
@Harcourt : thanks for the code

I wish you all a nice weekend with happy flying and lots of luck with the event
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