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Windows - Weekly Trading Thread - February 1st 2016

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Gt city

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Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
To make the trading experience as easy as possible, please post the following details in your post and in your signature:

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If you already have these details in your signature, please feel free to post "See Signature" or copy and paste your signature into the post.

This thread will last for 1 week. After that it will be closed and a new thread created.
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Good morning friends :)
Really need your help. Finished all my catering :/ could you gift me that for a few days? Thank you very much

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Good Morning Flyers

For some reason, do not know why, my Flight School building has become semi-solid, having been solid for many, many, months. I'm now being asked for 2 Flight Helmets. I will be flying my one and only Jet plane to Malta, in the hopes of dropping the right stuff. I would be very grateful for 2 Flight Helmet gifts, just in case my plane does not drop. Not sure why this has happened but its a backward step.


Captain WH Rolllins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Good Morning Flyers

A few days ago I posted a thread, in the Airport City Questions section, entitled Spaceship Launches: Using Up Smaller Resource Items. This is where you will need to go to read the post and the expressed views of members.

On Friday 5th February, 5pm London time, I will open up a green launch, the thread will be entitled Green Launch: Using Up Smaller Resource Items. I will leave the launch open for 24 hours or until the flight gauge becomes full, whichever takes place first. I do appreciate members are located around the world, in different time zones, and that there is only one sun and it can not be in two places at once.

I'm starting with a green launch because of its fuel gauge size and because I believe it will be far easier to manage, given those who have responded thus far. The launch is for flyers who have built up large quantities of small launch supplies and would like to make use of them - Small Fuel Tank (6 points - 30 minutes), Additional Stabilalizer (12 points - 2 hours), Explosive Bolt (24 points - 4 hours) and Solid Fuel (12 points - 2 hours).

During the launch period I will not be using the remaining three items, from the resource range, Large Fuel Tank, Main Stabilalizer and Powerful Explosive Bolt, simply because they have far greater values and are more frequently used when completing launch flights.

It will not be possible for flyers to use up all of their small resource items in just one launch, so there will need to be a few flights, before supplies begin to run down. I will open a green launch, once a week, every Friday at 5pm during February on 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th. This set period will give flyers plently of time to plan their flying week. At the end of the month we can review the situation.

This flight is not about securing first, second or third places as such, nor is it about getting rich. It's simply a way of using up all the small and unused resources, converting them into small amounts of money, which in tern, adds up to larger amounts of money. Team work and the collective good is the key to this venture.

There are no hard and fast rules as to how much flyers will need to invest in the launch or the number of visits, time factors come into play with each of the four small resource items as does time zones. The resource quantities of flyers will of course differ, as for myself, I have the following - Additional Stabilalizer (126), Explosive Bolt (137), Small Fuel Tank (20) and Solid Fuel (331).

My main concern comes from hi-jackers (non forum members), who may well jump in at the last moment and ruin things for the rest of us. There is no way to best guard against this possibility or prevent this from happening. Perhaps, being a green launch, there will be less interest, than a red launch where the rewards are far greater. We will just have to wait and see what happens and take it from there.

If there are any comments, suggestions or ideas please record them in the Airport City Questions section of the forum.


Captain WH Rollins


500+ Star Club
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Marko Fuel
@Faith1984 Dutyfreestuffpls - I sent you Paint. Can you send me Paint?
@Daenerys (#DaenerysSlegh) - I sent you Fuel(20). Can you send me Additional radar.?
@suckerp (##Fuel20) - I sent you Fuel(20). Can you send me Fuel(20)?
@RavenENTP - (#Raven.old lantern). I sent you Fuel(20). Can you send me Jet Engine?
@Jake (AAAE-Fuel20) I sent you Fuel(20). Can you send me Oscillating Beacon,?
@Laosge (#LaOsge/F20Lantern) - I sent you Fuel(20) tomorrow Catering. Can you send me Fuel(20)?
@lacey (#l heater lantern). I sent you Fuel(20). Can you send me Aircraft Tire?
@Gyorgy kutsera (#Kugy *Itemneeded*) I sent you Altimeter. Can you send me Aircraft Tire.?
@KingKong (*king-Hangar2) I sent you Fuel(20). Can you send me Fuel additives?
@GiftXchange (Gift-flabscan) . I sent to you Fuel(20). Can you send me Fuel(20)?
@KenDuckySmith (!KB2 NEEDS). I sent to you Fuel(20). Can you send me Oscillating Beacon
@KenDuckySmith (!KB1 NEEDS). I sent to you Fuel(20). Can you send me Paint?

@Eva (! eva old lantern) I sent you Fuel(20). Can you send me Fuel(20)? waiting news
@Raf R (wa5171z) -. Lost from list wait news,please send me request or open issue with GI
@Samzon Lost from list wait news,please send me request or open issue with GI
@Kesh (#Kesh wdxwd02) - Lost from list wait news,please send me request or open issue with GI
@Joe7 A (Joe7/Earplugs) - Lost from list wait news, please send me request or open issue with GI

@Bob1977 (3o0 (WP) .Lost from list wait news, please send me request or open issue with GI

Thanks for all your gift

p.s. Sorry for some mistake but this new thread is so dispersive for me and is difficult follow every post (i'm with phone). I vote for return to old separate thread.
Last edited:
Hi All,

Thank you for all your gifts received today. I have sent out my 20 leaving @Aero Aereola , @Kris (Okie),@HS72 (HS4), @wydaho , @KenDuckySmith (!KB), @WAMike (SkyMarshall, SkyM2) to be sent tomorrow.

As you can see I am having trouble keeping up with your generosity. I wouldn't mind if people held off for a few days so I can get myself up to date !!

I had a good week. I have completed MCC3 although will not press complete until the Red Launch Pad is finished. This was started this morning and takes 6 days. So if anyone wants an Offset Gregorian Antenna now is the time to request as it will disappear when I complete MCC3.
I battled hard to get 2nd place to Rome. I am now going to concentrate on finishing all the regular destinations served by jets, 203 flights needed, taking on average 3.5hrs using 4 jets will take 177 flying hours. (Hmmm.. Wish I hadn't bothered to work this out !)

For those still on the mail quest I now have 6 post offices to visit.

I am looking forward to the 50% discount land offer as I need to increase both passengers and coins.

Happy Flying


700+ Star Club
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@Captain WH Rollins , hello!
I don't like stockpiling small space fuel items as well and I practice "junk rocket" launches for a long time.
The only problem with it is hijacking. The longer the launch is open the higher chance of someone dropping by and saying "Wow! A half cooked rocket! I should take it over from those lame guys! Ha-ha!"
That's why I make junk launches from special secondary account with only 20-25 inactive in space area neighbors.
But there comes another problem. My launches were often taken by players completely unknown, outside any neighbor lists of my accounts. Either it's a bug or a special feature to make launches less predictable.

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
@Captain WH Rollins , hello!
I don't like stockpiling small space fuel items as well and I practice "junk rocket" launches for a long time.
The only problem with it is hijacking. The longer the launch is open the higher chance of someone dropping by and saying "Wow! A half cooked rocket! I should take it over from those lame guys! Ha-ha!"
That's why I make junk launches from special secondary account with only 20-25 inactive in space area neighbors.
But there comes another problem. My launches were often taken by players completely unknown, outside any neighbor lists of my accounts. Either it's a bug or a special feature to make launches less predictable.

Hello and thank you very much for sharing your experience. I do not doubt there may/will be problems with this venture. I'm concerned by hi-jackers jumping in and taking advantage of flyers who have expressed an interest in taking part. I do not know anyway of preventing this from happening. If the launch window period was much tighter I'm concern flyers, who live such busy lives and who live across differing time zones, may miss out from the first green launch, although there will be other flights during February. Those wanting to take part do not need to be neighbours of mine. Although I would much rather prefer flyers to also be forum members, I do not have any control over this, nor should I.


150+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
Hello everyone and welcome to a new trading week. As always if anyone needs something let me know. The fastest way to connect with me is through private messages since I get those strait to my cell phone email.

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Hi All,

Thank you for all your gifts received today. I have sent out my 20 leaving @Aero Aereola , @Kris (Okie),@HS72 (HS4), @wydaho , @KenDuckySmith (!KB), @WAMike (SkyMarshall, SkyM2) to be sent tomorrow.

As you can see I am having trouble keeping up with your generosity. I wouldn't mind if people held off for a few days so I can get myself up to date !!

I had a good week. I have completed MCC3 although will not press complete until the Red Launch Pad is finished. This was started this morning and takes 6 days. So if anyone wants an Offset Gregorian Antenna now is the time to request as it will disappear when I complete MCC3.
I battled hard to get 2nd place to Rome. I am now going to concentrate on finishing all the regular destinations served by jets, 203 flights needed, taking on average 3.5hrs using 4 jets will take 177 flying hours. (Hmmm.. Wish I hadn't bothered to work this out !)

For those still on the mail quest I now have 6 post offices to visit.

I am looking forward to the 50% discount land offer as I need to increase both passengers and coins.

Happy Flying

You are doing extremely well. Your game site just keeps growing and its looking really impressive. Well done once again.
  1. Windows Mobile
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KuGy Itemneeded
@suckerp (##Fuel20) –Thanks for Fuel(20). I sent you Fuel(20). Could you send me Fuel(20)?
(#l requireditem) – Thanks for Spare Wire. I sent you Parking Meter. Could you send me back Parking Meter?
(#Raven.ITEMINEED / !’#ReturnRaven) – Thanks for Passengers(10). I sent you Fuel(20). Could you send me Spare Wire?
(*King-Itemneeded) – I sent you Fuel(20). Could you send me Spare Wire?
(3o0 WP wwzp9x) – Thanks for Fuel(20). I sent you Fuel(20). Could you send me Airline Route Map?
(Joe7 / A(whiteboard)) – I sent youF uel(20). Could you send me Cognac?
(AAAE-Itemneeded) – I sent you Fuel(20). Could you send me Whiskey?
@Captain WH Rollin s(Captain Rollins) – I sent you Fuel(20).Could you send me Walkie-talkie?
(Diego/Item I need) – Thanks for Fuel(20). I sent you Fuel(20). Could you send me Spare Wire?
(Dutyfreestuffpls) – Thanks for Fuel(20). I sent you Fuel(20).Could you send me Fuel(20)?
@gbswales (gbswales99) – Thanks for Passengers(10). I sent you Landing Lamp. Could you send me Spare Wire?
@GiftXchange (GiftXchange:F20) - Thanks for Fuel(20). I sent you Fuel(20). Could you send me Spare Wire?
(R / R2) – I sent you Fuel(20). Could you send me Fuel(20)?
@Robert (Robster) – I sent you Flight Catering. Could you send me Laptop?
@Samzon (Samzon JetEngine) – I sent you Fuel(20). Could you send me Deicer?
Kesh Fuel 20 / Sheekee) – Thanks for Fuel(20). I sent you Fuel(20). Could you send me Spare Wire?
(Marko fuel / Spacesuit) – Thanks for Altimeter. I sent you Aircraft Tire. Could you send me Altimeter?
@Kris (Turion_requireditem) – Thanks for Router. I sent you Spare Propeller. Could you send me Router? I will ask for 4 Monitors after that.
@Saralaraloola(Sara-FL20-NOEVENT) – I sent you Fuel(20). Could you send me Office Chair?

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Good Afternoon Flyers

I've just sent out my 20 gift items for today, Monday 1st Februay, to my neighbours. Many thanks for all the gifts received yesterday and today. Special thanks to @Wasted Eagle for sending a Flight Helmet (if I could have one more please, that would be great). I do not know why my Flight School had reverted back to semi-solid form.


Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
And I have big plans after the discounted Land offer on Thursday !!

I will keep watching your game site with interest. My plans, after my next land purchase, is to sell around 10 surplus building from my warehouse. Also, need another 90,000k coins to upgrade my Terminal to L7 (360,000k coins) and then Town Hall (180,000k coins).
I will keep watching your game site with interest. My plans, after my next land purchase, is to sell around 10 surplus building from my warehouse. Also, need another 90,000k coins to upgrade my Terminal to L7 (360,000k coins) and then Town Hall (180,000k coins).

Sounds like a good strategy to me. I will keep an eye on your City/Airport with interest too !!
The best tip I have had recently is to acquire A Grand Hotel for 300 Silver Tokens. Not only is it a good earner at 158 coins every 18hrs, but more importantly it increases you population by 300 !

Its a pity its such an ugly building.

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