I've sent you an invite from my speargummit gameWow, thank you for that information! Sorry for the fail in forum etiquette, I was never very good in cotillion. I can definitely tell this is a great community! @Ten33go
Thank you to my new friend invites! @Snowee @Captain WH Rollins @Robert @Brickhouse @PeterNL @david smith
You guys (or gals ) are awesome! I've made a list so I can send out gifts as soon as my day resets.
If you can send Smoke Detectors and Archive Boxes, I really need them! (Did you know you will eventually have need 11 smoke detectors? )
Secondary high need would be for my repair base which just sits there laughing at me cause my Delta broke after one flight. (yes I know I should just pay the greenies, but I'm silly)