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Windows - Weekly Trading Thread - August 29, 2016

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Snowee post: 185475 said:
My gifts for today, Wednesday 31st August, are out

@Kamikaze - sent City Model, 2 to go
you can now join android & Ios space launches, here is my adroid friend code: 04rn9r1c. When u click on blue launch and don't see david smith2, dont start one close it visit Airborne, then click blue pad & I should be there
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
a jim s
I had to quit game and then re-enter. This explains why my support game was ready to gift (it had been closed for eight hours) and my primary game wouldn't reset.

Gifting done for 36 hours.


150+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Comet18 Gifts sent Today
WHN (@WhatHappenedNow) attitude
Gorrion (@gorrion) beacon
MikeO4 (@m-bari) beacon
Sara (@Saralaraloola) beacon
Crescent (@crescent moon) blankets
geert ( ) cater
Mike47 (@Mike47) catering
davejoyg (@Davejoyg) eau
Snow (@Snowee) eau
Harco (@Harcourt) F20
Peter (@PeterNL) F20
Vivke (@Vivke) F20
gamerader2 (@david smith) lamp
@Brasil lollipop
Brick (@Brickhouse) monitor
gbs (@gbswales) prop
Ten (@Ten33go) prop
Ten2 (@Ten33go) prop
pwilbert (@pwilber) propeller
WP (@Wired Parrott) wireless compass
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
Friend Code
Please Message me to request
The return of gifts is a lot less intuitive with the system more strongly geared towards using the return button rather than selecting a gift which lessens the chance of people getting construction items that they need according to their signatures.

In order to maintain my usual gifting spreadsheet, meeting what people are looking for, what I am trying to do is this;-
1) Look at each received gift and before clicking "Take" I record what I am going to send back in my spreadsheet
2) Click "Take" for that gift but be careful NOT to click Send button. Note that if you cant return a gift at that time to that neighbour the entry vanishes as soon as you click "Take" - this is why it is important to note the return gift before clicking take. Note their is no "X" to delete the entries so move onto (4)
3) For the next gift repeat (1) and (2) until you have recorded them all.
4) When you have recorded all the gifts you are going to return Click on the outgoing Tab (this should empty the received tab of all gifts that you have Taken)
5) Now start sending out your gifts in accord with the list you have kept.

Sending gifts is now much slower too whether you start with the neighbours or with your gifting list. If like me you record gifts in the order they come up in your gifting list then you
1) Click the gift
2) Select all the neighbours wanting that gift
3) Send
4) You are returned to your game and have to click the gifting icon again!
You have to repeat this for each gifting item that you are sending out- however, unlike before the update, each time your list of gifts returns to the beginning - so for each gift you have to scroll across from the start to the gift you need (instead of your position being remembered)

I am sure that many people are taking the easy option of just clicking "send" after "taking" each item (it is easy to do this by mistake because there is sometimes a short delay after clicking Take and you are tempted to click take again - if you do this activates Send as well.

The alternative to this is to just look at what you have been sent from everyone and send your return gifts first - then when you have sent your 20 click on "Take" for the 20 that you have sent to.

I am sure we will all develop our own system but in my view they have rather messed up what was a fairly fluid and intuitive process - certainly I am receiving far fewer of my signature items than I was before the upgrade. The cynic in me suggests that GI are hoping more people will be forced to Buy their construction items.
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