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Windows - Weekly Trading Thread - August 1, 2016

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Good evening,
Thanks for all gifts i received :) all my gifts for today is out.
Please need help urgent i have 3 Jumbo need repairs and i forget to upgrade my repair base before any way i did it now and i need these items below also in my signature:
Repair Base (Level 5)
Items Required:
3 Grinding Machine
3 Air Vent Filter
3 Controller

appreciated if some one send me these items and let me know what item you need me to send you.
Many thanks
Good Luck All (y)

Hi @Husam

I will send you a Controller from my support account tomorrow.
I will check your signature first to make sure you still need it.

  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
a jim s
Hi everyone, thanks for all the continuous gifts.

Finally got internet at home again so I can stop going to my local shopping center, leeching their free wifi around my gift reset time and double gifting every second day :D

Updated siggy with new construction needs, however still got a lot of saving up to do before I can build everything :p
I can fill all of your current construction needs in the next four days.
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
a jim s
Good Morning Aviators (08.30am GMT London)

My early mornings neighbours plunder brought in 19,600 coins and 20 launch ready blue chests, of which 10 were (large fuel tank's x3, main stabilizer x6 and Powerful Explosive Bolt x1) high valued resources. All my neighbours gifts for today, Tuesday 2nd August, have been gifted. My thanks for all the gifts received.

@jimstreet - gifted 1 Archive Box (4 remaining - Amperemeter x3)
@Blue Aero - gifted 1 Patrol Drone (6 remaining)
@PeterNL - gifted final Protractor
@Snowee - gifted final Archive Box
@Vivke - gifted 1 Patrol Drone (6 remaining)
@Kamikaze - gifted final Archive Box

Captain WH Rollins
please gift archive boxes to a jim spprt instead of my primary account. Sorry to be picky. thx
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
a jim s
Gifting list updated. Gifts shipped. Siggy updated.

9 flights from 3 stars on Bangalore. 43K from starting red launch pad.

Special thanks for incoming building gifts to both my primary and secondary accounts.

Welcome thanks for incoming flight gifts.

Bemused thanks for archive boxes coming into my primary account instead of my secondary account.



On Your 150 Stars !!



150+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
Good evening,
Thanks for all gifts i received :) all my gifts for today is out.
Please need help urgent i have 3 Jumbo need repairs and i forget to upgrade my repair base before any way i did it now and i need these items below also in my signature:
Repair Base (Level 5)
Items Required:
3 Grinding Machine
3 Air Vent Filter
3 Controller

appreciated if some one send me these items and let me know what item you need me to send you.
Many thanks
Good Luck All (y)
Sent you an air vent filter today and wtll send another tomorrow.
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