Now can't visit neighbours as it says their game may be outdated.
Ah well back to playing my old faithful Civilization 4
Ah well back to playing my old faithful Civilization 4
could u send gamerader2 great shots, and textbookOkay I managed to get my red off the ground around 5AM UTC-6. Did a store run after dropping daughter at school, and returned home to find servers still had problem. Landed Shuttle offline instead/no GI credit but doing it for coins.
Around 1 hour 10 minutes ago I started to do a blue, 3 people on the list to join, yet no one was available anymore. Odd message as never saw that one coming. So did Blue solo, again hurriedly as I had done the red.
Still connected to server I hurriedly jumped from gifting in !KB to gifting in !KB2.
I figured better to attempt to give, than to receive; right?
So I do hope I got gifts out to everyone, although @!angel and @KenDuckySmith aka !KB2 of course; those two were missed.
please send great shotsJust went into my main game and received several gifts, including one from @KenDuckySmith (!KB2) and @Wired Parrott. Will try and send my secondary account a gift when I reset to test it out, then will gift everyone after that if it goes through.
** Edit - I can also visit neighbors with no problem. So don't know if it was just an earlier issue that has been resolved, or is only affecting certain portions of the Country.
figued that@david smith
todays gifts are out already. will attempt to send items on the morrow.
optical system sent by gameraderRED LAUNCHER is ON-LINE
optical system sent by gamerader