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Windows PC - Weekly Trading Thread - November 30th 2015

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  1. Windows PC
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Thanks for the ergonomic chair David, I've got 8 (!) from your Gamerader 2 account.....:)



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Thanks for the ergonomic chair David, I've got 8 (!) from your Gamerader 2 account.....:)

View attachment 2495
I got 5 identical items together from @Anubhav today - really grateful and impressed!

Incidentally, todays gifts are out, returned all yesterdays and most of todays, remainder tomorrow.

Joke of the day to come!
Here we go, bit long but made me chuckle! (By the way, does everyone chuckle or is that just in England - what are your local words, lets get some international flavour to this!

Instrument Flying..

Most people wish to fly on the old gauges at one time or another but are prevented by the high cost of the instruments necessary for this form of flight. The following is a more or less known and extremely simple method which may be used by all.

Place a live cat on the cockpit floor, because a cat always remains upright, he or she can be used in lieu of a needle and ball instrument. Merely watch to see which way he leans to determine if a wing is low and if so, which one. This will enable you to your aircraft level in route with complete accuracy and confidence.

A duck is used for final instrument approach and landing, because of the fact that any sensible old duck will refuse to fly under instrument conditions, it is only necessary to hurl your duck out of the cockpit window and follow her to the ground.

There are some limitations on the cat and duck method, but by rigidly adhering to the following check list a degree of success will be achieved which will not only startle you, but will astonish your passengers as well, and may have an occasional tower operator with an open mouth.

· Get a wide-awake cat, most cats do not want to stand up all the time, so it may be necessary to carry a fierce dog along to keep the cat at attention.

· Make sure your cat is clean, dirty cats will spend all the time washing. Trying to follow a washing cat usually results in a slow roll followed by an inverted spin. You will see that this is most unprofessional.

· Old cats are the best, young cats have nine lives, but an old used up cat with only one life left has just as much to loose and will be more dependable.

· Avoid stray cats. Try to get one with good character because you may want to spend time with her.

· Beware of cowardly ducks, if the duck discovers that you are using the cat to stay upright, she will refuse to leave the aeroplane without the cat. Ducks are no better on instruments than you are.

· Get a duck with good eyes. Near sighted ducks sometimes fail to recognise that they are on the old gauges and will go flogging into the nearest hill. Very near sighted ducks will not realise that they have been thrown out and will descend to the ground in a sitting position. This is a most difficult manoeuvre to follow in an airplane.

· Choose your duck carefully, it is easy to confuse ducks with geese. Many large birds look alike. While they are very competent instrument flyers, geese seldom want to go in the same direction that you do. If your duck seems to be taking a heading to Ireland or Sweden, you may be safe in assuming that someone has given you a goose.
@Kris if you have any issues regarding drivers from your device or software, that Windows update tries to force onto the user, there is a thing in downloads from Microsoft
wushowhide.diagcab which is a troubleshooting package cab file. I was having problems with intel drivers coming in from Microsoft and had to keep rolling back the driver for graphics adapter. Running this cab file though prevents that from downloading, until Windows/Microsoft can get through with these patches and upgrades, and my Toshiba and !angel's ASUS support can catch up. Right now as I told Gt city, I keep getting error code attempting to download the latest cumulative update. lol I'm not going that road again, resetting my laptop, or re-installing 10, or even going back in time to 8.1.
Well join the club I've had trouble with my AMD Essential, The only way it could be fixed was throught AMD support
  1. Windows PC
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Hi all, sorry for being quite inactive. Busy times at work and next week I'll be in London for a training, so I don't have access to the game at all... Or maybe someone has a solution. I play the game on my desktop pc and can't install anything on my work laptop...

PM me what you want, I just updated my list what I can give. I don't have any buildings in progress, so passengers and fuel are alweays welcome! Have a great weekend all!

@david smith Thanks for the code!


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  1. Windows PC
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Airport City Riddle

Where is this destination in Airport City?

Past the clouds, above the land,
Landing here is really grand!
No, its not in that list, if you're looking for the name,
Best to bring some friends and your A game.
Lots of room to set it down,
Its an exclusive journey from your favorite town
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