- Device
- iPhone
- Windows PC
- Friend Code
- iPhone:w13irt0, Win8:w5kgwsb
- Username
- iPhone:lovag , Windows:officer
Hello SkyMaster. welcome
Brooks - I entered your code. Pls accept me (csapat)
Today's gifted are: ItsRalphy ctedb54 Rainer Rob228 Gregory Roeting (twice as usually ) SkyMaster
Thanks for the gifts. I was able to get to lvl 22. Please note, I updated my signature - with items I am looking for.
From now on I can also send Navigation Module.
Brooks - I entered your code. Pls accept me (csapat)
Today's gifted are: ItsRalphy ctedb54 Rainer Rob228 Gregory Roeting (twice as usually ) SkyMaster
Thanks for the gifts. I was able to get to lvl 22. Please note, I updated my signature - with items I am looking for.
From now on I can also send Navigation Module.