Request sent.
I and a lot more have 10 because we were able to make 10 special buildings before the valentine update this year, it was a bug I guess but it's fixed now.Weird though Windows only allowed 6 of each building except hangars
Add me as well if you like, I have a few space buildings@AJ
well I know who I comin to visit from when in need of space items lol
I got AJ2 as friend in !KB
@M22 friend request from !KB city.Add me as well if you like, I have a few space buildings
I got the request, can you see me?@M22 AJ had to enter my code for it to work.
I spose at least GI is heading in the right direction
Next is trying to do launches together and possibly alliances
Add me and I'll send back anything you send me.I just risked to roll up the "september super update". Lol, looks ok so far, no funny bugs though.
@Bongerman, great thanks mate, your red barrel finally reached me! Unfortunately only one that you probably sent today (I would've been flattered to know you kept posting to me all these days), rest of barrels were probably stopped at the Customs.
@M22, @AJ - hello giants! I'll try to add you, hope you accept a novice?
@ALL, I'm gonna need a whole bunch of Ols Lanterns to finish some maps from previous year. Please flood me with it, Thanx!
I got the fuel, try visiting now I've accepted, might work?@M22 Yep! added, sent Fuel20, tried to visit - failed. Now it says your version is outdated, lol. Apparently you would expect an update asap if gi is going to match the platforms connectivity.
@KenDuckySmith thanks for inviting me to the alliance, however, it's seems all the seats are already taken. Let me know if you kill someone of there and release a little space