150+ Star Club
Well the release of Windows 10 is just 9 days out. I have been watching the news and reading post by Windows 10 watchdogs which are starting to gossip. From what I read Windows 10 will be fully compliant with all our old apps, since Win 10 is implementing an "app universal compatibility" approach were all apps will play regardless of The Windows version. I'm going to be honest for Microsoft to say that, they would have had to test virtually every app available in the Windows Store. I just hope GI is tracking the new Windows coming out, and realize that just Microsoft is giving Windows 10 away for free starting the 29 of July to Current Win 8.1 and 8 users. I promise, I'm already crossing my fingers with my own software, because I have a few older games like flight sim X that I had to modify just to run with 8.1