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who has an university bulding

1 university! I don't think I'll try to build the second, too long and hard... It's better to focus on the others task and visiting friend's universities is probably the best way... I receive money just one time from my university and 1 item.. Not bad... But I don't want to forget all the other tasks of the game....
Good luck to everyone!
  1. Android
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PM me for the code
WLG Old Lantern
I finally received the items for one this morning then quickly got 3 other items for the second, just need the globe now. :shy:
I have also gotten 2 College Sports and 1 With Honours.
So it looks as if I am on track to complete this challenge.
Oh I have picked up 7 stars from the 3 cities so far.
  1. Android
Finally got some globes using a spy glass. I have 5 universities.


Air Carnillias - 3
Bew0072 - 4
Brookeluke - 1
Cap'n5 - 1
cristina - 1
Dee - 1
ed1978 - 1
Friso - 1
Genesis - 1
Ivana - 1
Jackjackeli -2
jimmy21 - 5
Joe - 1
JS1114- 3
Kev - 3
KH - 2
Kitty - 2
L35 - 3
Lakimans - 6
L.E.X. - 1
Lister - 2
Lockout - 2
Mehis - 10
Melanie - 2
Melony - 1
PeterPicos - 1
Rodyw - 3
Ron - 1
Sophie - 4
t1878 - 4
VI - 2
  1. Android
Friend Code
PM me for the code
WLG Old Lantern
This is another ridiculous task! Over 100 flights taken and still no university!
I am really losing interest now....... :mad:
Yeah I felt the same way and it took over 100 flights to get my first one.
However I just kept visiting neighbours with at least 3 Universities and I got 5 out of the 8 collections required before my first University was completed.
I now need 2 Basket Ball Baskets to complete the quest, now really an odessey, and it looks as if I will only get 2 Universities out of this. :dodgy:
  1. Android
Friend Code
Hi y'all

An update on my previous message...

I now have a university! :)

Username: NWA Air + item I need

Usercode: a1pure1

Items I need: Fuel, passengers, duty free, fuel supply, fuel additives, additional radar, spare wire

Items I can offer: Spare Propeller, Gyroscope, Fuel Hose, Archive Box, Navigation Module, Cooling Chamber, Oscillating Beacon, Flight Catering, Landing Gear, Laser Cutter, Spare Wire, Amperemeter, Addiotnal Radar, Power Source, Fuel Additives, Stapler, Jet Engine, Fuel Supply. Guest Book, Powerful Radio Transmitter, Passengers (10), Copy Machine, Landing Lamp, Tour Review, Welder, Cockpit Glass, Computer, Do-Not-Disturb Sign, Makeup, Eau de Toilette, Single-Malt Whiskey and Fuel (3 units)
  1. Android
Friend Code
MG (What I Need)
Finally - I have a University.
It took a while guys (about 75 flights to Cambridge, 57 to Sorbonne and about a dozen to Stanford) I now have my first University. Mind you, I am still miles away from collecting everything I need for the other collections, let alone getting 4 of them each so don't think I will finish the mission. :(
  1. Android
Friend Code
PM me for the code
WLG Old Lantern
Finally - I have a University.
It took a while guys (about 75 flights to Cambridge, 57 to Sorbonne and about a dozen to Stanford) I now have my first University. Mind you, I am still miles away from collecting everything I need for the other collections, let alone getting 4 of them each so don't think I will finish the mission. :(
Congratulations MG :)
I just got my 4th, 2 in one day. I have no idea where to put it but happy with 4.
I suggest you keep visiting those neighbours with 3 or more universities and you may get the collections.
Did you try collecting them before and have had no luck?
  1. Android
Friend Code
MG (What I Need)
Did you try collecting them before and have had no luck?
I have been visiting my neighbours regularly and have collected a few things from the collections. Alas, it seems that while I have multiple of some things, getting the last thing to drop from a collection is a challenge. If I get a run of a couple of the things I don't have I could complete the collection 2-3 times quite quickly as I have multiple of the other things in it.
Mind you now that I can at least tap my own uni every 4 hours, rather than waiting 24 hours to visit my neighbours again, that MAY help. I am still flying to Sorbonne and Cambridge in the hope of getting another uni.
Yeah I felt the same way and it took over 100 flights to get my first one.
However I just kept visiting neighbours with at least 3 Universities and I got 5 out of the 8 collections required before my first University was completed.
I now need 2 Basket Ball Baskets to complete the quest, now really an odessey, and it looks as if I will only get 2 Universities out of this. :dodgy:

Yeah I have completed the collections twice each now but still waiting for the elusive globe to drop so I can at least build 1 university!
Its gonna take a miracle with 2 days left!!
  1. Android
I have three University and all the colections completed.

Air Carnillias - 3
Bew0072 - 4
Brookeluke - 1
Cap'n5 - 1
cristina - 1
Dee - 1
ed1978 - 1
Friso - 1
Genesis - 1
Ivana - 1
Jackjackeli -2
Joe - 3
JS1114- 3
Kev - 3
KH - 2
Kitty - 2
L35 - 3
Lakimans - 6
L.E.X. - 1
Lister - 2
Lockout - 2
Mehis - 10
Melanie - 2
Melony - 1
PeterPicos - 1
Rodyw - 3
Ron - 1
Sophie - 4
t1878 - 4
VI - 2

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