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who has an university bulding

  1. Android
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Just got my 1st university!! I have not used any greencash to do this.......many flights yes......but it is possible...

Starting to think I finally got lucky this time after rarely getting any other drops!!!
  1. Android
I see a lot of different comments about the university. The strange part of it is that one player (me also) have very fast all the items to start the university. I fly with 1 turboprop, 4 jets and 1 delta. After two days i got all the items for the university. Then i visted some neighbors, in the 1st en 2nd visit 4 items after that none.
The other player flies a lot and got nothing, i'm really suprised about that because i'm a "clean"player, noo tricks, no rooted pad.
To complete the missions i need 4 items, a coffee cup, sandwich, football helmet and croquet mallet. So i can't tell what happens when you all have together.
The flight are still giving items for the next university, but i don't have enough space to build one, so i wonder when i have a second university and the 10 days are past if the university stil in stock of you're warehouse till you have enough space to build.

Well, for me this seems like GI annoucement, anyone else?

My oppinion here: Without root and without manipuliting some data it is not possible to compete missions when you only play once a day. If you play more and actively then this probably is possible. Have done this on my non-rooted device and will probably try again soon.
  1. Android
Friend Code
Sophie-Item needed
Ok I've complied a list of members who have universities...Easier to track down in my opinion.

Air Carnillias - 1
Bew0072 - 2
Brookeluke - 1
ed1978 - 1
Ivana - 1
Joe - 1
JS1114- 1
Lakimanms - 6
Mehis - 10
Melanie - 1
PeterPicos - 1
Rodyw - 2
Sophie - 2

Please correct me if I'm wrong, and if you get another please update your totals. Thanks!
Dear Ron, when you want to buy a game or something else like greens in APC it's possible with a temperary visa card. It's a prepaid card for example 10, 15, 20 euro's. You get a visa card number, when you're amount is gone you have to buy a new one. So it's possible to buy things without a creditcard, works for me it's save and no fraude possible.
Look for more info www.3vcard.nl

Thank you Peter. I did not know that. But I try to do it without real monmey, for me also more fun to build my airportcity on own power, BUT it is hard to expand my city, so therefore maybe I buy green.

By the way, I am almost specialist with jets to get a University, but still have not all items grrrrrr...but we fly on and on!!! :cool:
  1. Android
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PM me for the code
WLG Old Lantern
25 cambridge, 35 Sorbonne, 30 Stanford and all I have is 1 Globe :mad: I will start to direct all relevant planes to the destinations and sell a Powerful Delta to get an extra plane.
Thanks to a effort on other's universtiy I now have 1 Sandwich, 1 Bicycle, 1 Basketball Basket, 4 Cheerleader Pompoms, # Baseball Gloves.
I will give this game up if I do not get this challenge. :angry:
  1. Android
Ok I've complied a list of members who have universities...Easier to track down in my opinion.

Air Carnillias - 1
Bew0072 - 2
Brookeluke - 1
ed1978 - 1
Ivana - 1
Joe - 1
JS1114- 1
Lakimans - 6
Mehis - 10
Melanie - 1
PeterPicos - 1
Rodyw - 3
Sophie - 2
VI - 1

Please correct me if I'm wrong, and if you get another please update your totals. Thanks!

Make that 3 for me. The spy glass helped me a lot getting the missing globes!
  1. Android
Friend Code
c1k0mq (that's a zero, not a letter)
BEW0072 Airport
Air Carnillias - 1
Bew0072 - 4
Brookeluke - 1
ed1978 - 1
Ivana - 1
Joe - 1
JS1114- 1
Lakimans - 6
Mehis - 10
Melanie - 1
PeterPicos - 1
Rodyw - 3
Ron - 1
Sophie - 2
VI - 1
  1. Android
Friend Code
Sophie-Item needed
Air Carnillias - 1
Bew0072 - 4
Brookeluke - 1
cristina - 1
ed1978 - 1
Friso - 1
Ivana - 1
Jackjackeli -1
Joe - 1
JS1114- 1
Kitty - 2
L35 - 3
Lakimans - 6
Lister - 1
Mehis - 10
Melanie - 1
Melony - 1
PeterPicos - 1
Rodyw - 3
Ron - 1
Sophie - 2
VI - 1

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