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Who Has A Botanical Garden?!


800+ Star Club
  1. Android
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I was anticipating the WWII mission as well. Sometimes I wonder if it is for Russian version only? I think GI is still working on the kinks for the WWII mission. This is probably why this mission doesn't have any flying requirements considering it is called Airport City. I thought it was weird that they used the previous collections instead of requiring new ones. In one way, it makes it easier for all of us. The hard part is getting the butterfly nets and butterflies. Harder actually as butterfly nets can't be gifted and we can only have a few clicks per neighbor per day.

tdv - love that botanical garden! I love gardens so I hope I get it soon, too!:)


1500+ Star Club
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  1. iPhone
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tdv and Friso: The reward for the mission on IOS is the Conservatory, so my information and picture were correct. I asumed that the conservatory and botanic garden were the same because in Dutch is says "Kas". Which is a glass house for flowers or plants. And botanic can be indoors or outdoors. So tdv, you suprised me too that there is a different Botanic Garden, maybe the reward for Android-players? Or just only a reward for people who get the conservatory in a mission a year ago?
I hope that somebody (without having the "old" conservatory) can confirm what the reward for the latest mission on Android is....
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Hi Deetee04 can I add you? I haven't seen any conservatory or botanical garden :p so is it different reward for android?
Also it seems hard to have butterfly nets I just get one per neighbor and sometimes nothing perhaps I haven't received even 1 butterfly so the complete 3 butterfly collections seem far to me :confused:
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Deetee04 your airport is really pretty (y) I wish someday I could have mine as yours or as any from this forum who also have wonderful airports even if it take me a lot of time and effort
Maybe I'm dreaming :love: faaaar hahaha :X3:
  1. Android
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FancyFlight OR !FF(itemsneeded)
ahhhhh yes Deetee04 i think tdv is right! i have checked and the conservatory and botanical garden are different. the conservatory will give the flowers (i got one from your conservatory Deetee04) but only the botanical garden gives the butterflies which is what i really need!!! will be visiting tdv soon :D
  1. Android
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see my signature
see my signature
iOS only have Conservatory...

only android have the Botanical Garden - iOS can not see these - just a building site...
  1. Android
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FancyFlight OR !FF(itemsneeded)
woohoo got my botanical garden! it was looking hopeless but then i finished the butterfly collections in the space of an hour so i think drop rates have increased or i got lucky. Now to find somewhere to put it...hmmm


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
woohoo got my botanical garden! it was looking hopeless but then i finished the butterfly collections in the space of an hour so i think drop rates have increased or i got lucky. Now to find somewhere to put it...hmmm

Yeah nice!
The droprates are really weird... in one day I finished 2butterfly collections with only 17nets. And other people dont have a single drop :confused:

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