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- Android
- iPad
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- aruc5di - Adroid / Flyerduck - iPad
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- OBD - Android / Flyerduck - iPad
I started playing this game at the end of last year, so i have missed quite a bit. I get to seeing a lot of unique looking buildings on various friends cities and so i was wondering from a few of you, what are some of your buildings?
tdv & Ant - You both have a curious looking building on your Airport side with a Heli-pad and limos out front of it. What is that Building?!?
Bali Hi & air canillas (and a few others) - You have a Pink Victorian styled house with an aqua or green colored roof.
Bali Hi - You also have what appears to be a boarded up house - it may be a Haunted House?
I know there are more of them, and i'm not talking about the ones you can buy from the Mystery Building. If you have a unique building, what is it and what does it produce?
tdv & Ant - You both have a curious looking building on your Airport side with a Heli-pad and limos out front of it. What is that Building?!?
Bali Hi & air canillas (and a few others) - You have a Pink Victorian styled house with an aqua or green colored roof.
Bali Hi - You also have what appears to be a boarded up house - it may be a Haunted House?
I know there are more of them, and i'm not talking about the ones you can buy from the Mystery Building. If you have a unique building, what is it and what does it produce?