Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

What I would like added to the game

  1. iPad
  2. iPhone
Friend Code
I would like an herlicopter pad added to my airport ...Be nice addition


1200+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
What I would like to be added in the game -:
1) Way to chat with Alliance Members(Should work fine)
2) Alliance becoming transparent so that we can see who is in the Alliance and how much Passenger he has flied :D
3) Wishlist option like on Facebook version
4) Alliance Description, Ability to change Alliance Name/Symbol
5) Family Ticket should give 300% instead of 100%
6) Ability to buy Sets of Spare Parts like 50 VRs for 30 Airport Cash etc
7) Mission To Mars
8) More Residential Buildings, Park and Land
9) More Reserve Hangar Slots
10) Player's should be able to visit anyone on rankings to check their City just like on Facebook version
11) "Collect All" option for Collection
12) Tougher events than Age Of Ash
13) Remove Alliance Rankings Instead have Alliance Group Quests which rewards them with Points,Maps and other stuff like Bonuses,fuel etc and rankings is based on Points, Alliances should compete for Pride not Prize.
Group Tasks are based on level of your Alliance like 4 Member Alliance needs to fly 1000 Planes a week whereas those with 20 needs to fly 30k Planes per week...
14) Player's Profile where they have all the information regarding number of planes flied till now, Completed Launches, number of land bought, number of Skill Star's etc is displayed

That's it for now, I Hope to see these someday in the game


600+ Star Club
  1. iPad
  2. iPhone
  3. Windows PC
Friend Code
Waverly huff
Waverly huff
Right now it takes one tap for each commercial building to dispense its coins. That's a lot of tapping. I would like an upgradable Income Tax Building. The more you upgrade, the larger radius your taps include. Once fully upgraded, each tap dispenses coins from buildings within a ten zone radius.
This is a feature of The Simpsons: Tapped Out and it's very, very helpful.
  1. Android
You can do it now as well :D
Afraid the server will make my game error.
I want the feature is launched by road 404.

So I can us my family ticket and alarm clock with present layout.
And Horn of Plenty with layout no 2.
And Golden Toad with layout no 3.

We can pay everytime we switch.

We can also use those layouts for different purposes.
Layout no 1 for maps flying
Layout no 2 for no event or collecting from adv buildings
Etc etc


VIP Flyer
Former AC Developer
  1. iPhone
Right now it takes one tap for each commercial building to dispense its coins. That's a lot of tapping. I would like an upgradable Income Tax Building. The more you upgrade, the larger radius your taps include. Once fully upgraded, each tap dispenses coins from buildings within a ten zone radius.
This is a feature of The Simpsons: Tapped Out and it's very, very helpful.

We're working on a similar feature, Tom. @greensmith


600+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
Kazinho / Harambe
I want to agree with one point about alliances.

Unless you are in a strong alliance already, there is little chance of making the prize paying rankings.

I am fine with the chests for the leader board, but reputation points should be earned by completing an alliance quest based on level. That way lower level players can build alliance strength as their game level increases.


VIP Flyer
Former AC Developer
  1. iPhone
I want to agree with one point about alliances.

Unless you are in a strong alliance already, there is little chance of making the prize paying rankings.

I am fine with the chests for the leader board, but reputation points should be earned by completing an alliance quest based on level. That way lower level players can build alliance strength as their game level increases.

Good point! That's why we've started to work on such quests quite some time ago... And you'll see them when they're ready.
Good point! That's why we've started to work on such quests quite some time ago... And you'll see them when they're ready.
Great new features coming up and many thanks for keeping us informed. (y)(y)

I have one question though Free2Play - there is talk on another thread that the windows game has a feature which limits the warehouse to 100 items. Please tell me this will not be coming to IOS or windows, I have taken a long time building many flight buildings and done lots of hard work to build up my stock of flight items. I have many hundreds and I'm sure many players have a lot more. Same goes with launch items. :drowning::drowning:
  1. Android
Great new features coming up and many thanks for keeping us informed. (y)(y)

I have one question though Free2Play - there is talk on another thread that the windows game has a feature which limits the warehouse to 100 items. Please tell me this will not be coming to IOS or windows, I have taken a long time building many flight buildings and done lots of hard work to build up my stock of flight items. I have many hundreds and I'm sure many players have a lot more. Same goes with launch items. :drowning::drowning:
In my opinion, he wont respon about it.
So keep talking as he will read.


VIP Flyer
Former AC Developer
  1. iPhone
Great new features coming up and many thanks for keeping us informed. (y)(y)

I have one question though Free2Play - there is talk on another thread that the windows game has a feature which limits the warehouse to 100 items. Please tell me this will not be coming to IOS or windows, I have taken a long time building many flight buildings and done lots of hard work to build up my stock of flight items. I have many hundreds and I'm sure many players have a lot more. Same goes with launch items. :drowning::drowning:

When we introduced this balance feature on Facebook, nobody has lost their existing stock of items.
And if we introduce similar thing on mobile, you'll not lose your items, as well.

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