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what do you prefer: NEW EVENT FORMAT (NEF) or OLD EVENT FORMAT (OEF)


1500+ Star Club
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Honestly spoken: I am totally not a friend of the NEW EVENT FORMAT (NEF). I prefer the OLD EVENT FORMAT (OEF).

I wanna ask here all players: What do you prefer NEF or OEF ? And why?

Thanks for replies.


1000+ Star Club
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Musketeers Alliance
I like some things about the new format and some things about the old one.

I loved the first Premium Class - that was awesome. If you are willing to pay them, you should get better access. That's a fact of life I can accept. Developers don't work for free. But they have watered down the rewards so much that it's not worth it any longer.

Their were a few problems working through the new event system (the mini game :sick:, and the not enough event currency to complete 😡 and the specifically having to visit level 1 EC so people can either choose to help neighbours and forgo the better rewards or say screw the neighbours that need help - I'm taking care of myself :unsure:). I think they have the balance right with this (no mini game, the right amount of event currency drops and not having to visit specific level buildings).

I really dislike the single reward at the end of the competition. I preferred daily rewards. I would play hard for a few days, then back off so others could get some good rewards. Not everybody can play 24x7 for 10 days. It would be cool if they reintroduced daily rewards but they were calculated based on the accumulation of points in a single day.

On a side note, I think they need to fix their algorithms. If I'm paying for gold subscription, the mystery bonus shouldn't drop things that correct weather events or fix planes. If I paid for 6 pumpkin beds, their mystic super building shouldn't default to a pumpkin bed that I can't use. Not great to piss off your paying customers like that
The old format allowed me to use the event currency to purchase repair chests and flight chests. The loss of this option will force me to totally change my approach to fleet management. The past few weeks, I have depleted my stocks of repair items and have had quite a few planes spending 8-12 hours in the repair hanger. Before, I only kept one of each smaller plane as I finished "3-staring" all of the destinations. Now I will have to repurchase them so I can fly wasted missions to restore my repair items and flight items.


500+ Star Club
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PLMerry [what I need], PLM2, & PLM3
New Format.

Old format you had to fight daily for a reward, new format you get 20 rewards at your own pace.
Old Format if you took a day off in the middle, one would drop so far in the rankings it was almost impossible to get back to the level that you previously were at. New format if you take a day off you just continue were you left off and continue on at your own pace getting reward based on your own effort.
Old Format you did one or two things over and over and over again for up to 10 days straight. New Format has 8 to 10 different task and ties in different aspects of the game.

I do wish that the tasks resulted in rewards as the first of the new format did. Receiving event currency, or progress rewards, for task completion is a let down. I would like to see a mix here. Something like easier tasks get progress rewards and harder tasks get bonuses or building rewards.


1100+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
I miss the spy glass bonus very much. I used to run adventure maps twice a week during events with just the spy glass and maybe some kind of dice that I had in my inventory. I 've collected all my adventure buildings that way.

Now I still haven't figured out how to continue with the map runs. I have to do longer runs and plan ahead and I don't like it. The one good thing I can say about the new format is that it's visually nicer.
  1. iPhone
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Honestly spoken: I am totally not a friend of the NEW EVENT FORMAT (NEF). I prefer the OLD EVENT FORMAT (OEF).

I wanna ask here all players: What do you prefer NEF or OEF ? And why?

Thanks for replies.
Old definitely , seems like its only been updated to make more money, its a fun idea but takes alot more grinding than before and just gets boring i think
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I prefer the new event system as it leads to a more relaxed approach to them. The 20 rewards you can get are okay in themselves and I see the Premium Class as being optional. I personally make the call at the end of the event at the point I know the true cost and what I’m getting in return. The platinum chest is pretty cool with it’s QL.

Spyglass generation for my map runs comes from my Adventure buildings anyhow, so I never used event currency for those as I always had more than one in my warehouse.

As to repair items, I basically stick to using them only during map runs, unless I have 50+, and manage my fleet accordingly during the week.

In particular, I’m looking forward to a space flight event in the system, as I think that will both be fun and lucrative with respect to space buildings and bonuses.

Barkmi4 (Mike)

1000+ Star Club
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Barkmi4 *items*
There’s pros and cons to both.
I liked spyglass.
I liked fuel additive.
I liked the choice of buying buildings that I like, particularly passenger buildings.
Steel chests were nice, but I’m not all too fussed.
The rewards at the end of the event were pretty crap unless you went balls out.

The ranking system is much better. 25% chance of a chest with gold tokens which is a big plus for me.
Premium is a nice option, but I agree with Chloe. They nailed it with the first event, rank 20 should be easy. The one with the mini game upset me, and since then I’ve not bought the pass as often. Really, by making me pay an extra £3 to finish the premium awards, they lost £10 I’d have otherwise spent (net £7 loss before Apple takes their cut). That’s because I’m a stubborn arse and I do not appreciate being taken advantage of/taken for a fool.
The premium rewards are getting less appealing too. 2-3 MSBs would be nice. I don’t really care for event chests or the mystery plane - but I can see the appeal to newer players. To my mind, the premium pass should be loaded with ‘nice to haves’. The increased difficulty to reach L20 makes no sense to me. 2-3 of the events have required nearly all day play for the duration to make it, or a lot of resources. Whilst working from home this is an option - but not long term. So eventually I’ll probably stop bothering which is a shame. I will only buy the pass if I reach L20, it’s not worthwhile otherwise, and I guess this is true for most people? So why not take on board that most paying players have a job and can’t play all day? 😅


150+ Star Club
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I am a fan of the new event structure:
- there are 20 levels of awards so it's not hero or zero (which I think is great for the player base as a whole with varying time commitments etc.)
- I think the premium pass despite not being anywhere near as attractive as the first time around (the classic bait) is still good value if you reach level 20
- I'm not that fussed about losing the daily rewards and the leagues add a little bit more competition for a greater range of people and mean the event has meaning (if interested in competing for top spots) for the entirety of the event and brings in some tactical thinking.
- the tasks also seem to generally give life to the event (i.e. it is not often that people are finished on day 1 - though I noticed this time around there were some).

However, despite my positive views on the structure I have reached a point where obtaining the event building is something I no longer care about. Obtaining the event building has been in a number of events out of reach of a lot of people who in the past had no real issue completing events. And personally, I won't be spending money or investing a heap more time and resources, over the considerable amount I spend normally, just to complete the event. If playing "normally" I get to level 20 then likely I will buy premium pass at end.

So if boil it down, the new structure has some positives that are becoming completely irrelevant. First prize - fix the issues with the new event format, second prize give us back what we use to have.
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150+ Star Club
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I like the new format but one thing that I don't like is the amount of fuel used to reach certain goals. I've been playing for 4 years now and for every event I played and reward earned, I store multiples for the following year's event since the events are practically been the same each year. I say store your rewards because you might need them for future events. By doing this, I finish the events much faster.


500+ Star Club
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Even though I'm still not used to it I think the new event format is GI's smart move to refresh the game and retain players. I myself quit it for 6 months (before returning 2 weeks ago). Simply because I was sick of the game itself with nothing new.

Looks like the new format gives everyone the chance to complete the event (in the sense that getting through the final progress and being rewarded with special building) as long as they spend more time on it to collect enough event's currency. On the old format you had to rely on RNG to complete mini collections which sometimes were a damn frustration.


350+ Star Club
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My opinion:
The new event format is just a cash register for G!
At least they could have incorporated/merged all aspects of OEF in the new one. The new format has no attraction to me as it clearly targets towards pay to play Pilots. Not my thing.
My opinion:
The new event format is just a cash register for G!
At least they could have incorporated/merged all aspects of OEF in the new one. The new format has no attraction to me as it clearly targets towards pay to play Pilots. Not my thing.
I have the same opinion as you 👍


1500+ Star Club
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me again. This event I am playing on two handphones, two different users. One is level 32: and easily to get items by visiting or flying. Where the other player is level 80: and the drop rate: is damn bad. level 32: 5 airplanes only. level 80: 14 airplanes. and both players are now in the same event level. That is of course strange. For example: visiting neighbours: level 32 player gets 5-7 items by 12 clicks (two neighbours with the video bonus), where level 80 gets only 2-3 Items by 12 clicks. For the level 32 the event is faster, level 80 has to spend more time.
The 20 given rewards are helpful for the level 32 player - for the level 80 some of the rewards are so damn useless. coins? Level 80? serious : 200 coins? what should this?
For me it is more and more the OLD EVENT SYSTEM.
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