700+ Star Club
on facebook there was not yet the new system with collecting/fulfilling 8 tasks per day and then getting a bonus, etc. There you had to complete more collections, fly almost everything and you could also put collection items for a quest in the wish box, the you could then get from others. However, this assumes that the other person already has everything for himself or didn't want to complete the quest completely, etc. But within our group we were usually able to swap in such a way that everyone completed the quest. Not everyone has that much time in the day to play for hours. Only now the system for fulfillment is designed a little differently. Casual players hardly make it Lv. to reach 40. Here, too, it would be helpful to have a wish box....Wait....wait wait wait wait wait...you're telling me that the wish list allowed players to gift collection items? So if I wanted...lets say...a mistletoe from the last event, I could put that on my wish list and have it sent to me?😯