Thunder is coming! The weather conditions is a brand new feature that adds a pinch of reality to the game. Survive the adverse weather conditions such as fog, crosswind, and sandstorm, and get an increased reward if you’re lucky to see the rainbow or the northern lights!
What kinds of weather conditions are there?
Weather conditions can be favorable or unfavorable:
Favorable conditions:
- Experienced Pilot — increases your experience from the flight by 50%;
- VIP Passenger — increases your income from the flight by 100%;
- Rainbow — the flight duration is decreased by 10%;
- Northern Lights — experience and profit gained from the flight are increased by 25 and 50% respectively;
- Light Pillar — experience and profits for the flight will be increased both by 40%;
- Sun Halo — the flight duration is decreased by 20%;
- Glory — the flight duration is decreased by 10%, and the experience is increased by 40%;
- Tailwind — 10% less fuel is required, and the flight duration is decreased by 20%.
Unfavorable conditions:
- Thunderstorm — the flight requires 50% more Fuel and a Tesla Lightning Rod item;
- Volcanic Eruption — the flight requires 50% more Fuel and a Nano Coating item;
- Fog — the flight requires 50% more Fuel and a Massive Spotlight item;
- Ice-Covered Runway — the flight requires 50% more Fuel and a Spiked Tire item;
- Magnetic Storms — the flight requires 50% more Fuel and a Stabilizer.
- Personnel on Strike — the flight requires 50% more Fuel;
- Crosswind — the flight requires 50% more Fuel;
- Sandstorm — the flight duration is increased by 20%;
- Snowstorm — the flight requires 50% more Fuel and a Ice Detector item;
- Hurricane — the flight duration is increased by 30%.
Weather conditions may apply to all flights in the game, and are generated randomly.
Where can I get the items required for an unfavorable weather condition?

Weather Items
You can get the items required for unfavorable weather conditions from certain regular flights listed below. You can also get the items as a gift from your neighbors or from Weather Items and Mystery Set chests.

Tesla Lightning Rod
Tesla Lightning Rod: Thailand, Shanghai, Hawaiian Islands, St. Petersburg, Melbourne, Mogadishu, Beijing, London, Canary Islands, Rio, Oslo, Baghdad, Kabul, Bali Island, Los Angeles, Iceland, Kuala Lumpur, Karachi, Southern Observatory, Brasilia, Quito, Montevideo, and Belize.

Nano Coating
Nano Coating: Malta, Nice, Paris, Seoul, Hong Kong, Arctic station, Vladivostok, Northern Observatory, Toronto, Yokohama, Minneapolis, Chicago, Houston, Boston, Seattle, Anchorage, Budapest, Bangor, Rome, and Buenos Aires.

Massive Spotlight
Massive Spotlight: San Francisco, Sydney, Nepal, Tokyo, Barcelona, Cape Canaveral, Baikonur, Cape Town, Johannesburg, Havana, Ibiza, Dakar, Goa, Singapore, New York, Pyongyang, Tehran, Riyadh, Jakarta, Macau, Kansas City , Dallas, Jiuquan, and Lima.

Spiked Tire
Spiked Tire: Dubai, Moscow, New Delhi, and Antarctica.

Stabilizer: Mexico City, Las Vegas, Santiago, Caracas, Tortuga, Austin, Lisbon, Busan, Damascus, Lagos, Bogota, and Guadalajara.

Ice Detector
Ice Detector: Berlin, Amsterdam, Montreal, Plesetsk, Helsinki, Ekaterinburg, Frankfurt, Stockholm, Osaka, New Orleans, Prague
Is there a way to avoid bad weather conditions?
Sure! In order to avoid unfavorable weather conditions build a Weather Station in your city or use special weather bonuses.
What is a Weather Station and what does it do?
The Weather Station is a new building that decreases the chance of bad weather and helps to study the weather. Send planes to the destinations suggested by the meteorologists, and receive special weather bonuses as a reward.
Inside a Weather Station
There are 3 levels of the Weather Station:

Weather Station Level 1
- Weather Station Level 1 decreases the chance of unfavorable weather conditions by 15%. The building is available from level 12, and requires 2000 coins, Mechanical Thermometer, Infrared Thermometer, Liquid Thermometer, Galileo Thermometer (four of each) for construction.

Wind Charm
For completing 3 suggested flights in a row (one flight per day) you will receive a Wind Charm bonus as a reward.

Weather Station Level 2
- Weather Station Level 2 decreases the chance of unfavorable weather conditions by 25%. This grade is available from level 17, requires 12000 coins, Heliograph, Barograph, Rain Gauge, Disdrometer (six of each) for construction.

Shaman Drum
For completing 3 suggested flights in a row (one flight per day) you will receive a Wind Charm bonus as a reward, and for completing 6 suggested flights in a row you will receive a Shaman Drum bonus as a reward.

Weather Station Level 3
- Weather Station Level 3 decreases the chance of unfavorable weather conditions by 30%. This grade is available from level 22, requires Ceilometer, Тransparency Meter, Radiosonde, Hygrometer (8 of each) for construction.

Vintage Weathervane
For completing 3 suggested flights in a row (one flight per day) you will receive a Wind Charm bonus as a reward, for completing 6 suggested flights in a row you will receive Shaman Drum bonus as a reward, and for completing 9 flights in a row you will receive a Vintage Weathervane bonus as a reward.
Where can I get the items required for Weather Station construction?
There are several ways to get these items. You can get them as a gift from your neighbors, get them after watching an ad video, or buy them.
If you’re following Predicting the Unpredictable, Analyzing Weather Reports, and How to Tame the Weather quests, you might also get the items from guest planes while the quests are active. Don’t underestimate the power of the quests!
How do weather bonuses work?

Old Barometer
Old Barometer (found in Mystery Bonus chest) Randomly exchanges weather conditions between flights;

Chinese Lantern
Chinese Lantern (found in Mystery Bonus chest) Adds favorable weather conditions to all available flights that don't currently have unfavorable weather conditions;

Shaman Drum
Shaman Drum (can be received as a reward from the Weather Station, and found in Mystery Bonus chest) Removes unfavorable weather conditions from all flights;

Lucky Clover
Lucky Clover (found in Mystery Bonus chest) Decreases the chance of unfavorable weather conditions in flights;

Wind Charm
Wind Charm (can be received as a reward from the Weather Station, and found in Mystery Bonus chest) Increases the chance of a fortunate event in flight;

Vintage Weathervane
Vintage Weathervane (can be received as a reward from the Weather Station, and found in Mystery Bonus chest) Increases the speed of your planes.