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Vintage weather vane bug

  1. Android
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lister:Item needed
Came across a bug the other day with the vintage weather vane and wondered if anyone else had had it? Took me quite a while to get it, although I wasn't actively trying to, so I activated it, sent out some flights, all was fine with the reduced flight times, but when I quit the game and came back a bit later the flight times had gone back to the normal times, even though the weather vane image was showing next to the flight in "MY FLIGHTS"! What a waste! Seems the only way to use it is to keep AC open for the whole duration of the flight! In other words, have your charger handy if you want to use it!

Edit - Doh, just realised I missed the commas in the tags :p


150+ Star Club
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No it disappeared after I activated it. It was active for about 3 or 4 hours and then it was gone. I don't remember if I had exited the game, I play on the tablet and I often just turn off the screen, not the game.
  1. Android
  2. iPad
I reported this problem to gI over 3 months ago and they assured me they were working on it. I lost my game as a consequence of their failing servers not long after that, and had to begin again. in my new game (playing over one month now) I got the vintage wv bonus again and same thing happened. And what do you know, last night I was playing ac and Samsung tab froze. after restarting my game has gone again, completely, not a trace. I've spent almost 100 us on this game - my mission now is to convince as many ppl as possible not to spend money on this game, as I did, and in so doing saving you all a lot of heartache. I used to think that gi is full of inept and incompetent developers, which is partly true, but now I realize they're not interested in fixing any of the bugs but only to make money. I think that should be obvious to everyone on this forum by now. considering the continuous problems that no other android game seems to have
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lister:Item needed
there responses weren't great when I told them about this, tho they were fast as usual at responding for which I commend them. They just seemed to be assuming that I'd done something wrong rather than properly reading what I was saying, they even tried to say I could be exiting the game incorrectly! They just seemed certain that I must have gone back over 6 hours later, even though I specifically said I went back ten minutes later and the reduced times had shot up back to normal!
The thing I find funny is finally on this forum someone claiming to be GI has posted, whether or not its a real GI staffer, who knows, thats the mystery of the internet.

However I find it odd that they aren't responding to our concerns and making us feel better that they are trying to fix these issues, the only posts they have made is advertising their "contests" and trying to promote the game, in its not so perfect condition, rather then assure their true followers that they are fixing bugs.
  1. Android
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melanie, that's absurd! what good is response time if an issue hasn't been fixed 3 months after I complained about it. that's a rhetorical question - the spurious customer service you speak of is useless without action. have you spent any real money on the game? the first time I lost my game I got my airport cash back after several days of emailing, I even had to threaten them with legal action if my airport cash wasn't returned. when I did finally get my airport cash back and asked for compensation, I was given 10 airport cash! where is the justice in that? so I spent almost 100us on the game, spentmonths building the airport, along the way having deal with faulty bonuses that never worked, and then having to deal with unresponsive customer support staff. 10 airport cash was a slap in the face! not to mention that I had to begin the game all over again. now after a month i finally got back to where my game was before (level 35). and it happens again! do not talk to me about support staff who really do not care about paying customers. gi's strategy is focused on alluring new members who are enthralled with the game to begin with, but soon discover that gi is full of inept developers, a money grabbing management, and unresponsive support staff who assured me numerous times (over a period of several months) they're working to fix issues. I've heard this many, many times - nothing i) was ever fixed, yet they keep introducing new challenges so that they can line their pockets, without any regard to the numerous bugs in the game. customer support indeed! in short, I've been playing this game for over 7 months and downloaded the game 3 times now - I've received that Whethervane bonus each time. and each time it has never worked. if you're trying to give support gi's staff in a positive light, there are only 2 reasons you would do that. 1. you have no idea of the constant bugs and issues in this game. or 2, perhaps you work for gi as a support staff member.
  1. Android
  2. iPad
and CW you hit the nail on the head. gi is not interested in fixing any existing or ongoing bug issues. making money is all they care about, not providing its 'loyal' customers with a great and bug free gaming experience
  1. Android
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lister:Item needed
someone else from GI has messaged me about it now and said its being transferred to their specialists! Even if they don't at least this person is telling me something closer to what I want to hear and thanking me for reporting a bug! Lets see what happens...
  1. Android
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Melanie <3
Found the bug, it somehow stops exactly at the 3 hour mark. my remaining flights have now the following times, in that order: 02:28; 04:57; 02:30; 04:25; 04:35; 06:56; 14:35

strange :(

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