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Tuesday 8th January 2013 - Android Daily Trading Thread

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  1. Android
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ayvpwbz ; ar5a79u ; avyss2h
hello to all in the moment i just need 1 textbook and 2 wide-angle binoculars to buildyng control tower level 3 and 2 server rack, if anybody can help me, tks
Good suggestion, however, as you can see by my first post in this thread today:

I posted what i needed in the message per the OP's instructions. I update that each day because it changes daily. I will look into making a list of things i need that would make sense to post in my sig, but as i said, those items i need change while i play as i am not max level yet and am still upgrading various buildings. Thanks for the info.

One Bad Day: not sure if you used the forum's Search feature yet, the Search on a forum member name would return your last/newest message at the top, which for your case since you post multiple messages each day, people would not necessarily know which is your first message of the day and people are in different time zones around the world so nobody knows when your day starts. What you put (the items you need) in one message does not always show up at the top of the search result, thus other people would not be able to know what you need by using the Search. The forum profile signature is always attached to every message you posted and is updated real time on all messages you posted as soon as your signature is updated. That's the reason people update signatures everyday, there is an instruction posted by Dave at the top of the daily trade chat category: https://www.airportcitygame.com/index.php?threads/posting-what-you-need-in-your-signature.149/.
  1. Android
  2. iPad
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aruc5di - Adroid / Flyerduck - iPad
OBD - Android / Flyerduck - iPad
One Bad Day: not sure if you used the forum's Search feature yet, the Search on a forum member name would return your last/newest message at the top, which for your case since you post multiple messages each day, people would not necessarily know which is your first message of the day and people are in different time zones around the world so nobody knows when your day starts. What you put (the items you need) in one message does not always show up at the top of the search result, thus other people would not be able to know what you need by using the Search. The forum profile signature is always attached to every message you posted and is updated real time on all messages you posted as soon as your signature is updated. That's the reason people update signatures everyday, there is an instruction posted by Dave at the top of the daily trade chat category: https://www.airportcitygame.com/index.php?threads/posting-what-you-need-in-your-signature.149/.

Long Just checked out that search feature, and oddly enough for me anyway, it shows "Today" and the time each post was made. It also goes back by each post, in chronological order changing "Today" to whatever day it was posted. Therefore, even if someone was in a different time zone, they could figure out when my first post for any particular thread was for that day by checking that information. However, for someone in a different time zone or anyone for that matter, wouldn't it be much easier if they just start at the beginning of the thread anyway to make sure that they don't miss out on a specific item a friend would need and then only check the "new" posts from when they last posted? I think the "Alerts" are set up to notify folks of any new posts or tags that include them.

Look, I got what you were saying several posts ago. If you would simply make sure to check the latest posts since your last post (they are all marked with a little "new" tag on the right side of the page, in case you missed it) you would know if anything had changed or been corrected since you last posted. Clearly you didn't do that today. Thanks for your assistance, but this issue was taken care of a while ago.
  1. Android
  2. iPad
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aruc5di - Adroid / Flyerduck - iPad
OBD - Android / Flyerduck - iPad
Man, i thought this was a friendly place to get help with my Airport City games...i may have been mistaken. I was simply following the instructions posted by the OP and I end up getting chastised for doing so. Apologies if i broke some sacred rules around here, as you can probably tell i am new here. Not here to challenge anyone's rules or regulations either, just trying to get help and help others with their games.
  1. Android
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PIE2 +item
One Bad Day im new here to, dont worry rules are made to be broken ha ha, nah its ok when your new you dont dont know where to write rhings and that :)


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  1. Android
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Thanks for all the gifts - especially Sophie and tdv for the tremendous amount of help with this mission :):)
If I could send each of you a real gift, I would (chocolate truffles anyone? I'll be making some tomorrow).

With the Santa mission winding down, I hope the last few people I sent Old Lanterns to have time to use them. I was in a flurry (no, not a snow flurry) using Bonuses and extra fuel to try and complete this darn thing, but to no avail. Only a last minute miracle will get me there.
I still think we should have had reindeer :LOL:, but then GI would probably make us buy kibble or something to keep them alive.

Anyway, today I have sent the following items;
The last of the Old Lanterns to gcjr jackjackeli kitkitkit 3 Princess0fpowr lister0f5meg
Spare Wire to chirimoya stevel2606
Flight Catering to Connie daniel degracia v-ron hockeyhobbit
Additional Radar to Beer Baron
Do Not Disturb Sign to nsari 2
Passengers to Maqu86
Spare Propeller to Long
Fuel Hose to Phantom - Welcome Back!
  1. None of the above
I would like to thank everyone for the Old Lanterns sent to me. tdv Andrew-YYZ Bali Hi nsari pienicki kitkitkit Sophie Hotdog syapik air canillas and others.

My Santa mission is completed, although I still need some items to complete the Ice Palace and Igloo. I think I will just save up the cash to buy them.. I haven't finalized my mission yet, but will do so in several hours as I hope to get some Australia, S.America, and N.America gifts from my Christmas gift shops to minimize the cash spent later (still have 14 hours left). Edit: As I was typing, I got 1 N.America gift :D Sad part is I spent an extra of 16 cash to buy 2 Santa chests and 1 Spy Glass to attempt to get Africa Ball. 1 cash left :cry:

I would also like to reserve special thanks to tdv , for your influx of Old Lanterns. I think I got like 15-20 yesterday? Even the days before I would get around 6-8 from you. Seriously, how do you do that?

Ok, as for trading activities, last night I sent items to several people, but didn't keep note of it. Sent Fuel (3), Passengers (10), Spare Wire, Makeup, Old Lanterns, Lining Plate. I sent items based on their username if they add item name behind their usernames, and also based on what their direct requests were (I always try to remember). So, let me know what you need.

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