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Tuesday 1 January 2013 - Android Daily Trading Thread

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  1. Android
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WLG Old Lantern
Sorry to hear that Blackcloud. Do you think you will lose your game? If not, and we do send gifts, won't they be there when you are back on-line?
The phone will be fixed when I return home to New Zealand from my holiday. Before I turned off the phone I backed up my data files including AC so that should keep me going as I really doubt I would start over again.
Regarding gifts, yes they will be in a massive queue for me to take but as I have finished the Santa Mission, albeit without an Ice Sculpture Park I will have no need for items such as Old Lanterns and I do not want anyone to waste their gifts on me especially when I am unable to return the favour.
I hope everyone is having a better new year than me, when every new day has lead to a broken item so far.:(
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