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To all my friends I say goodbye

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Friend Code
Massimo4256 ; LauraB72 ; axigog4
Massimo4256 ; LauraB72 ; Scorpion73
Hi to all my friends in Airport City.
After last abuse from Game Insight I've finally decided to stop definitively to play Airport City not only with Massimo4256, the one object of this abuse, but also for Scorpion73 and Massimo4256a.

I don't know if my wife will decides (LauraB72) or not to go ahead, surely I will not.

As you can know they suddenly 3 days ago stolen all my stock of Golden (54) and silver (more that 2000) tokens.
Without reason and without any message!!!

I've already wrote them but the answer the usual excuses, that I was a time traveller, that the game was blocked (and this was not real) and the tokens are lost definitively.
I don't know you but I can't accept this treatment, considering the real money I spent and, expecially, the big time I invested into space launches.

So now it's time to put a stop of this matter.
Surely I will not play to another game of Game Insight for the rest of my life.

Again thanks to you for all your help and surely I'm not happy of this conclusion.


  1. Android
Massimo4256, I know how you feel, and most of us feel the same when it happen. Angry, quit, delete the game, etc etc. I have be through. Than I realize, the enjoy of this game is not the game itself. It is the friendship. So, that is why, I open the game again after 1 year blocked. And I make my Profile picture. KEEP CALM AND PLAY AIRPORT CITY. No matter what GI will do to me, friendship is more precious. I really sad what you have decided. It is your decision. I only want to share my experience. I love Airport City because of you. You are like big family. And help others is my priority.
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Friend Code
Massimo4256 ; LauraB72 ; axigog4
Massimo4256 ; LauraB72 ; Scorpion73
Robby Kusuma
Hi Robby, thanks for your kind and friendly words.
I'm still really disappointed for the situation because I consider this an abuse from Game Insight and never in my life I accepted abuse!!!!
It's no acceptable than:
1) they accuse us to use cheats when it's not real
2) suddenly, without explanation and reasons, you receive "punishment" from them
3) they change the rules of game during the game
To be honest I like very much Airport City (i'm a railways engineer, with transport skills) because it's my favourite kind of games but I can't accept than all results of my efforts can cancel in one moment from another one!!!
Normally I like to have control of my activities, when one action generate a reaction predictable and related to the action: in this case it's not true and I can't accept this.
I have a lot of interest, Airport City it's onloy one of these, so stopping to play increase only time for the rest.
I wrote a final email to Game Insight in which I ask again to:
1) restore all privileges on my games or, in alternative, create a new account transferring the all progress achieved
2) the restitution of stolen tokens.
The guy of customer service said than his collegues are investingation about my situation and to wait before to cancel the account: the Agreement now it's that I stop to play to all my games until finish of investigation.
If at the end of this investigation conditions 1) and 2) will be realized I will very happy to continue to play Airport City; if one or both will be not realized my experience in Airport City (and in all other games of Game Insight) will finish definitively.
So the game will remain "sleeping" on my devices until a final answer.
Now I've only to wait.... but I'm not so optimistic.

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Friend Code
Sorry you are having problems with GI. I have fought with GI as well. It is frustrating dealing with them. They really hate to admit a mistake, and do not want to fix their mistakes.


1200+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Sorry to hear that Mass. You have been a very generous and kind neighbor. I respect you wishes. I really enjoy playing the game for the sense of community I have with you guys. Robby hit the nail on the head with his explanation. Well written my friend (Robby Kusuma)
I will not delete your games because in there, I know you'll find that desire to play again. I have to admit, it's a pretty good game regardless of GI dictatorship. If you are willing to overlook the Bull crap politics behind all of this, who knows we might see you again. If Laura decides to keep playing, I bet you'll always sneak a peak to see what's going in the game. It is addictive to an extent. So long PAL.
  1. Android
I am through a lot. Laugh and cry..... I lost a team when we all get blocked last year. We cant join launch, we dont people who visit, we even cant Redeem weekend code. Very sad you know to play alone, really alone. You can fly, launch alone, no visitors, no gifts. Anyway, I stayed Calm, and keep play. Lol. And after last week that happened, I fight Russians. Lol. It is not a racis, just a game. My green rank took by Russian and what happened to Massimo also efect what I wrote. New long new style.


800+ Star Club
  1. iPad
I hope things turn out okay in the end, Massimo4256. We all know how frustrating this game can be. I spent over a year playing solo while GI blocked my game. It was lonely. Then, miraculously, my game was unblocked! Such a roller coaster ride.

Whatever you decide, thanks for being such a good neighbor.
Wishing you all the best,
  1. iPad
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Uncle Mans
Keep at it. I don't know if they will give back the tokens, but they will unban the game. Their !#$%@$%& Software is so freaking picky/buggy - I hate to say it but maybe they do need to require an internet connection like other games if they can't figure it out.
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Iphone: Jpjpjp999; Ipad: Jpjpjp4; Android: Jpjpjp2
Keep at it. I don't know if they will give back the tokens, but they will unban the game. Their !#$%@$%& Software is so freaking picky/buggy - I hate to say it but maybe they do need to require an internet connection like other games if they can't figure it out.

LOL, if my game always needed an internet connection..... that would be a reason for me to quit.....
  1. Android
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Friend Code
Massimo4256 ; LauraB72 ; axigog4
Massimo4256 ; LauraB72 ; Scorpion73
The problem is that we are so addicted to these "abuse" from GI that we consider "normal" all these situations... and we laugh of them!!!

I hope they solve my problem but more days passed I'm less optimistic!!

But at this point the matter became a principle fight because I'm bored of this behaviour.


  1. Android
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Iphone: Jpjpjp999; Ipad: Jpjpjp4; Android: Jpjpjp2
The problem is that we are so addicted to these "abuse" from GI that we consider "normal" all these situations... and we laugh of them!!!

I hope they solve my problem but more days passed I'm less optimistic!!

But at this point the matter became a principle fight because I'm bored of this behaviour.


I understand completely.... I have been very frustrated with GI non-service desk


350+ Star Club
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Friend Code
Pegasus Sue
Massimo4256 so sorry to see you go, you were kind enough to re Neighbour me during a launch which I had hijacked unknowingly and also introduced me to this forum. This forum as many have said is what makes the game. I have just been blocked through time Travelling where I had travelled from Johannesburg to Cape Town, where our local time does not even change, so go figure. Anyway I was annoyed etc etc but the forum was one of the reasons to return and do hope to see you again. Go well Massimo.
  1. Android
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Friend Code
Massimo4256 ; LauraB72 ; axigog4
Massimo4256 ; LauraB72 ; Scorpion73
As USUAL the answer from Game Insight was negative so I've already deleted my accounts.
So again goodbye.



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