Blue Aero
350+ Star Club
My gifting reset several hours early today although since that happened last week before I was accused of being a time traveler / cheater I waited a few hours before sending gifts / visiting neighbors. I played off and on all afternoon after that with no problem. Was checking to see if anyone in my alliance was wanting to do a rocket launch then went back to collect fuel and got the time traveler message. I'm not happy this happened just a week since they accused me of cheating last time. I never changed my clock or made any other computer settings. I did stay up late last night to collect the last of the 800,000 coins needed for runway 6 and I spent WAY more than I should have on greenies over the weekend and rented planes to go to Sacramento trying to get the hydroponic greenhouse. If they can't handle my spending real money to rent planes then they should not have that option. If they accuse me of cheating when they send the canned response again, my complaint to microsoft store is ready to send.