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Thursday 13th June 2013 - Android Daily Trading Thread

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Gt city

1000+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
To make the trading experience as easy as possible, please post the following details in your post and in your signature:

Username/Friend Code
In-Game Name
Items Required
Items You Can Send

If you already have these details in your signature, please feel free to post "See Signature" or copy and paste your signature into the post.

This thread will last for 24 hours. After that it will be closed and a new thread created.
  1. Android
Friend Code
*item required
I come back!:happy: My game restart and i have new gifts to send!
tdv, you can send me 4 all inclusives bracelets, please.

Have a good day!
  1. Android
Friend Code
Username: sergeant
Usercode: akgoqpc
Level: 40
Stars: 78
Hearts: 07
Good day everybody, thanks for gifts you send to me,will send my gifts again late evening . "Please don't waste our gifts. Don't send items I have not requested."(c)diwata;)
Will send gifts today late evening EST Plasma Clot for everybody.
If you need something different, tell me .
Please do not send air magnetometers,send items from my signature.Don't worry I will send Plasma Clot to you if you needed it. Thanks you​


Hi everyone, thx for all gifts. I still need lots of Plasma Clot(To get Jet and also the stars). Geigner Counter are always welcome because it means a Plasma Clot also.
For the ones who can send Air Magnetometer I prefer to receive the Fuel Catalyst stead.
Thanks tdv for the geigners. It will be good to continue receiving. Do u need something in TDV 19 since the last updata?
SMIBA you can send me the geigner stead of a server rack. I always check the signature before I return the gift ;)

Geingner are always welcome, but if u are limited with ur gifts, u can give th priority to the player that has not compelted yet the UFO colletion stead of sending me. :)

Good Luck to all. :)


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
Hi everybody!!!!

First time here, I could recover an old game and now I can send some of the dificult one (see my signature)
Lvl 40 / 92 stars / 7 hearts

Friend Code: a4hnixi
In-Game Name: angelus2
Items Required
Primary: 4x Travel guides, 2x Tv panels, 6x Dispatcher consoles, 2x Calculators, 3x Transmitters
Secondary: Deicer or other flight item
Items I Can Send: See my signature
  1. Android
  2. iPad
  3. iPhone
Iphone: Jpjpjp999; Ipad: Jpjpjp4; Android: Jpjpjp2
Hi all. Have been quiet because my android game is still out of the running thanks to GI.

I would like to warn all players that the new building items can not cross to iPhone and iPad because we don't have that updates/those buildings yet.

I think some items were sent to me because I received fuel3 on IPhone :)


350+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
zen_(items I need)
Helo guys
My phone is fixed...and so I am back in business.
I still need to update my signature, but first AC-time


600+ Star Club
  1. Android
Javi+ items needed
It is used to speed up some of he flights... (currently not area51 flights)
Thank you, I read some other post explaining how it was working.
In fact I am flying nearly only to area 51, trying to reconver from 10 where my game was blocked.
  1. Android
Friend Code
04m479so + almjced + aaa3pr1 + 0400ag7m
vayka1 + noya12 + ayon1 + kaito1
Hi all,
Thanks for the gifts for NOYA12. Game resets in 1 hour, so al 20 will go out again.
tdv Can and are you willing to send me some AIRCRAFT TIRES PLZ.?????
With the new update from yesterday all the planes are broke down when they made 1 flight and come back again.
All of them need the TIRES there are 0 in my warehouse because of that!!!! GRRRRRR, DAMN!!!!!!!
  1. Android
  2. iPhone
Friend Code
see my signature
see my signature
Hi all,
Thanks for the gifts for NOYA12. Game resets in 1 hour, so al 20 will go out again.
tdv Can and are you willing to send me some AIRCRAFT TIRES PLZ.?????
With the new update from yesterday all the planes are broke down when they made 1 flight and come back again.
All of them need the TIRES there are 0 in my warehouse because of that!!!! GRRRRRR, DAMN!!!!!!!
on their way to you...

So what has happed to your vayka1 game? - R u going to give up on it...
  1. Android
Friend Code
@tdv Can you send me some Geiger Counters or Plasma Clots, cannot get all needed items for collections from Tunguska,Roswell,Bermuda flights and get fighter plane for AREA 51, and time is running out:( . Thanks in advance
  1. Android
Friend Code
04m479so + almjced + aaa3pr1 + 0400ag7m
vayka1 + noya12 + ayon1 + kaito1
on their way to you...

So what has happed to your vayka1 game? - R u going to give up on it...

Many thanks to you tdv for sending the tires(y)(y)
My vayka1 game is still in progress, but i CAN'T send anything from that game. Also i can't visit friends for more than 6 months now. Only when i delete 1 neighbor, i've got 1 gift to send. So i think when i delete all, i'll have 20 gifts to send, but can i get the same neigbors back again, entering their codes???? I've noticed that when i accept a new friend, i received their gift, but from the old ones, NOTHING. Send a lot of mails to GI, but (sigh...) they keep telling me that i've been timetravelling ( NOT) and that vayka1 lost all benefits. I'm becoming tired from their respons, so i stopt the mailing. Maybe that game will be recovered some day.
If you know a trick to restore vayka1 plz. send me a pm. Thanks again for the help!!!
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