Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

The Weekend Game Codes, Midweek Game Codes, Special Game Codes, Special Game Offers, Extra Codes, Non Expire Codes, Compensation

Once a week on a Friday, a weekend game code will be issued, and posted on the members forum. The themed thread will be located in the Airport City Announcements section of the website. This will normally take place sometime after 4pm, the weekend code will normally be published at 4pm, on the Game Insight Facebook page. You will have until late Sunday evening in which to key in the code and collect the 3 Green Notes and 2,000 Gold Coins. Sometimes the weekend game code may still work after the weekend period has come to and end. If, for example, you have forgotten to key in the code and collect the green notes and coins, it may still be possible to collect the rewards on a Monday morning. There are of course no guarantees with this, it is always best to key in the game code and collect, when the code is released.

In more recent times, the weekend game code has been issued on a Thursday and closed late Sunday evening. This has happened on a number of occasions, but has not taken place every week. It is most likely that the issue of the weekend game code will not continue in this manner. The themed thread will have the following heading, Weekend Code for ************** (the date will change each week), this code will be valid during the weekend only. To collect the 3 Green Notes and 2,000 Gold Coins, you will need to undertake the following five steps:

Step One - you will need to select the 5th icon along the bottom row of your game screen (the icon has two people grouped together).
Step Two - once open, you will then need to select the third icon of three (the icon has two people grouped together).​
Step Three - on the left hand side of the menu, you will find four user click buttons. You will need to select the Add button, this will be the third click button.​
Step Four - in the field, on the left, next to where the following appears please enter friend's code or promo code to redeem you will need to enter the weekend code. It is important you include the asterisks, at both ends, for the code to work.​
Step Five - after having keyed in the code, you will then need to click on the magnifying glass button (the return key will not work). Once you have done this, a notification will appear on your game screen, informing you that the 3 Green Notes and 2,000 Gold Coins have been deposited into the accounts. The green note and coin accounts are on display, located in the top right hand corner of your game screen.​

Please Note - on Thursday 10th September 2020 the weekend game code was released on the members forum. It was the first time that this had been released on a Thursday, instead of on a Friday. As to the reason why this had happened, is hard to say. It is possible that the code had been released in error, and that this error will not be repeated. My reason for mentioning this here, is to to provide you with a more complete picture, about the weekend game codes. On Friday 18th June 2021 the weekend game code issued 5 Green Notes and 4,000 Gold Coins to players, instead of the usual 3 Green Notes and 2,000 Gold Coins. As to the reason why, this is unknown, may well be a one off, rather than a regular amount. On Friday 31st December 2021 the weekend code issued 5 Green Notes, 5,000 Gold Coins and Winter's Tale chest

Please Note - on Friday 28th January, Friday 4th February, Friday 11th February, Friday 18th February, Friday 25th February, Friday 4th March, Friday 11th March, Friday 18th March, Friday 25th March, Friday 1st April, Friday 8th April, Friday 15th April, Friday 22nd April, Friday 29th April, Friday 6th May, Friday 13th May, Friday 20th May, Friday 27th May, Friday 3rd June, Friday 10th June, Friday 17th June, Friday 24th June, Friday 1st July, Friday 8th July, Friday 15th July no weekend codes were issued, due to the code distribution system being offline. This also applied to the midweek codes. It is now clear that Game Insight has decided not to issue anymore weekend and midweek codes to players.

Please Note - although the Weekend Game Codes have long since stopped being issued by Game Insight and posted on the Airport City Announcements section of the members forum, this has now been replaced by a webpage, which loads your version of the game (Platforms - Option One - play on the official website, Option Two - play on the desktop app, Option Three - AppStore only, Option Four - Google Play Store only, Option Five - Microsoft Store Windows only) and issues you with the relevant bonus. The first two options gives you double bonus 4 Green Notes and 4,000 Gold Coins (if opened through the Game Insight website) rather than 2 Green Notes and 2,000 Gold Coins. The bonus will only be active for 3 days, during the weekend period, and can only be claimed once. A message will appear on your game screen, if you try and claim the bonus more than once in a week.


Midweek game codes are released during the course of the week, but not always on the same day each week. Sometimes the codes are released on a Wednesday, sometimes on a Thursday and sometimes on a Friday. The rewards from these types of codes will vary e.g. 1 Green Note, Large Repair Set, Gold Coins. On rare occasions more than one green note will be awarded. On Friday 21st May 2021 the midweek game code gave 3 Green Notes and a small gift. To key in the midweek game codes, and collect the rewards from them, you will need to repeat the above five steps.

There is also a mid week bonus chest introduced, it contains the following eight items, Vintage Weathervane, Fuel 50 Units, Passengers 50, Golden Dice, Lucky Horseshoe, Pilot's Manual, Fuel Additive and Airport Cash. Once you have keyed in the code, you will receive the bonus chest, once opened you will receive one random gift item from within. It is also worth noting, that not all gifts will be the same for forum members who open the bonus chests.

Every so often special game codes will be issued, and posted in the Airport City Announcements section of the members forum, during the week. These special codes will allow you to collect small game resources e.g. fuel, passengers and bonuses. Some special codes will give you one green note, while others will give you more than the standard 3 green notes, collected from weekend codes. These special game codes will be valid for a period of time, sometimes for a few days or just 24 hours. To key in the special game codes, and collect the rewards, you will need to repeat the above five steps.

It is hard to say when these special game codes will be issued, some have set periods in the year e.g. Easter in April (in 2019 the bonus gave 3 green notes, but no bonus in 2020 and 2021), Airport City Birthday in September, (in 2019 the bonus gave 8 green notes), Christmas Bonus (in 2019 the bonus gave 10 green notes), New Year's Day Bonus (in 2020 there were two bonuses), Christmas Bonus (in 2020 the bonus gave 10 green notes and a Golden Dice), New Year's Day Bonus (in 2021 the bonus gave 6 green notes), while others have no set periods, as to when they will be issued. You will therefore need to keep your eyes open for them. It is also possible you could read about these special game codes from other forum members. Whenever special codes are issued, the word quickly spreads across the members forum.

On Friday 27th August 2021 a special game code was issued and a unique icon appeared on the left hand side of the game screen. The icon had a time counter which displayed the hours and minutes. The special game code gave players 4,000 Gold Coins and 5 Green Notes, when the code was keyed in the usual manner. Selecting the icon displayed a special presentation page entitled, Bonus Fly To Airport City, with the following statement, '
Pilots, planes loaded with bonuses make regular flights to Airport City. Amazing rewards await you every week on Facebook page. Follow the link, copy your promocode and get your fair share of gifts'. The page also had a blue and white Read More click button, which took players to the Facebook Website, where they could log into the website, for further information with regards to the special game offer. The icon remained on the game screen for three consecutive days, after which it disappeared. On Friday 3rd September 2021 the icon appeared for the second time ,for three consecutive days, after which it disappeared. On Friday 10th September 2021 the icon appeared for the third time, for three consecutive days, after which it disappeared. On Friday 17th September 2021 the icon appeared for the fourth time. On Friday 1st October 2021 the icon appeared for the fifth time.

On rare occasions special game offers will be made available to forum members to collect. This happens in response to a major and/or significant event, which takes place around the world. During the Coronavirus Pandemic, two weeks of gifts were made available, as a thank you from Game Insight, for taking precautions and staying at home.

This took place in early April 2020 when 7.14.18 download game update issued fourteen gifts, across fourteen days, one gift per day. Each gift had its own time counter, during which the gift item could be collected. The special game offer had its own unique round icon (a large dark wooden box with a gold medallion mounted on the front), the icon was located on the left hand side of the game screen. When selected, the menu appeared on the game screen, and each time the game opened for the first time each day, for fourteen consecutive days. With these types of special game offers, no codes need to be keyed in, since they are download game updates, and not posts published on the members forum, where the codes are found inside the posts.

First Week - Day One - A Friend In Need x1 (active for seven days from collection), Day Two - Airport Cash x2 (instantly available to collect), Day Three - Vintage Weathervane x3 (active for 6 hours from collection), Day Four - Fuel 50 units x3 (instantly available to collect), Day Five - Business Class x2 (active for 6 hours), Day Six - passengers 50 x3 (instantly available to collect), Day Seven - A Friend In Need x1 (active for seven days from collection)​
Second Week - Day Eight - Golden Wrench x2 (active for 2 hours), Day Nine - Passengers x1 (instantly available to collect), Day Ten - Fuel 300 units x1 (instantly available to collect), Day Eleven - Vintage Weathervane x3 (active for 6 hours from collection), Day Twelve - Airport Cash x5 (instantly available to collect), Day Thirteen - Passengers 150 x1 (instantly available to collect), Day Fourteen - Sky Captain x1 (active for 1 day)​

In September 2020 Game Insight celebrated its 9th birthday. Because of this, a 7.25.30 download game update issued seven gifts, across seven days, one gift per day. Each gift had its own time counter, during which the gift item could be collected. The special game offer had its own unique round icon (a gift rapped brown parcel), the icon was located on the left hand side of the game screen. When selected, the menu appeared on the game screen, and each time the game opened for the first time each day, for seven consecutive days.

One Week - Day One - Coins x2,000 (instantly available to collect), Day Two - Business Class x2 (became active when collected, active for 6 hours), Day Three - Passengers x150 (instantly available to collect), Day Four - Golden Wrench x2 (active for 2 hours), Day Five - Fuel x150 (instantly available to collect), Day Six - Spy Glass x1 (active for 9 hours ), Day Seven - Airport Cash x9 (instantly available to collect)​

Some of these gift items were stored direct to their counters, some gift items were stored direct to the bonus section of the game store, while other gift items became activated, as soon as they were collected on the day they become available.

In early January 2021 Game Insight issued a Happy New Year bonus, offering seven gifts, across seven days, one gift per day. Each gift had its own time counter, during which the gift item could be collected. The special game offer had its own unique large round icon (an orange box with a red ribbon wrapped around the box), located on the left hand side of the game screen. When selected, the menu appeared on the game screen, and each time the game opened for the first time each day, for five consecutive days.
Day One - Fuel 300 Units (becomes instantly available to collect)​
Day Two - Business Class x2 (the first bonus of two becomes active for 6 hours from collection)​
Day Three - Passengers x150 (becomes instantly available to collect)​
Day Four - Secret Faucet x2 (the first bonus of two becomes active for 8 hours from collection)​
Day Five - Gold Coins 2,000 (becomes instantly available to collect)​
Day Six - Spy Glass x1 (bonus becomes active for 9 hours from collection)​
Day Seven - Junior Pilot x1 (bonus becomes active for 12 hours from collection)​

In September 2021 Game Insight celebrated its 10th birthday. Following the v8.21.23 game download a unique icon, located on the left hand side of the game screen appeared, on Thursday 23rd September 2021. Selecting the icon displayed a special presentation page entitled, Space Challenge, with the following statement, Pilots, were starting a birthday space launch marathon. The community has two weeks to launch as many space missions as possible to win various rewards ranging from Airport Cash to Platinum Chests and Explosive Bolts. The presentation page also had a blue and white Read More click button, which took players to the Facebook Website, where they could log into the website, for further information with regards to the space challenge.

On Friday 24th September 2021 the weekend code *10years10* gave players 10,000 Gold Coins and 10 Green Notes - Game Insight's 10 year birthday celebration. On the following day, Saturday 25th September 2021, a presentation page entitled, Birthday Presents appeared, with the following statement, Pilots, Airport City is celebrating its 10th birthday and that calls for some gifts. We want to thank you all for being with us, so we prepared a special bonus code on our Facebook Website. The code will work for player of any level and will never expire, so share it freely. The presentation page also had a blue and white Read More click button, which took players to the Facebook Website, where they could log into the website, for further information with regards to the birthday presents.

On Monday 27th September 2021 a space gifts menu notice appeared on the game screen, with the following statement, Get prizes for completed space flights. Take part in space launches until 6th October 2021. Claim rewards and follow the event on Facebook. Let's rise to the stars together. The following four gifts were awarded, 5 Green Notes, Reliable Crew, 10 Passengers, 20 Fuel Units, for taking part in and completing space flights. On Thursday 30th September 2021 a second space gifts menu notice appeared on the game screen, with the following statement, Get prizes for completed space flights. Take part in space launches until 6th October 2021. Claim rewards and follow the event on Facebook. Let's rise to the stars together. The following four gifts were awarded, 7 Green Notes, Sky Captain, 10 Passengers (x2), 20 Fuel Units (x8) for taking part in and completing space flights. Further codes were also issued, in the Airport City Announcement section of the members forum, during the birthday celebrations *spaceships10* - *planes10* - *helicopters10* - *cars10* - 12 Green Notes and a selection of bonuses e.g. Lucky Hat, Vintage Weathervane were given for keying in the codes. On Monday 4th October 2021 a third space gifts menu notice appeared on the game screen, with the following statement, Get prizes for completed space flights. Take part in space launches until 6th October 2021. Claim rewards and follow the event on Facebook. Let's rise to the stars together. The following two gifts were awarded, Platinum Chest (Powerful Explosive Bolt x10, Silver Tokens x100, Gold Tokens x10, Quantum Leap Bonus) and Explosive Bolt x2. Please note, the rewards may not be the same for all players who take part in the special event, it will depend on a number of factors. On Thursday 7th October 2021 the following bonus code was issued, *thankyou10* which gave 3,000 Gold Coins and Secret Faucet Bonus.

On Friday 15th October 2021 a unique icon appeared, located on the left hand side of the game screen. Selecting the icon displayed a special presentation page entitled, Make Friends, with the following statement, Pilots, its time to make some new friends in Airport City, head over to Facebook, write 'Add Me' and your in-game ID in the comments, and make sure to add other players as friends. Together you can complete quests, make alliances and even dispatch space missions. Team up with other pilots and conquer the skies'. The presentation page also had a blue and white Read More click button, which took players to the Facebook Website, where they could log into the website, for further information.

On Tuesday 19th October 2021 a unique icon appeared, located on the left hand side of the game screen. Selecting the icon displayed a special presentation page entitled, Treasure Hunt And A Big Giveaway with the following statement, Dave Crocker found a treasure box during his excavation, but he hid it. Where could it be? Luoyang, Athens or Machu Picchu? Pick the destination, write it and your ID below, and with a bonus, a chest with maps, coins and much more. 100 pilots will receive their prices on October 24. Your chances are high, enter the contest now. The presentation page also had a blue and white Read More click button, which took players to the Facebook Website, where they could log into the website, for further information.

On Wednesday 19th November 2021 a unique icon appeared, located on the left hand side of the game screen. Selecting the icon displayed a special presentation page entitled, Make Friends, with the following statement, Pilots, its time to make some new friends in Airport City, head over to Facebook, write 'Add Me' and your in-game ID in the comments, and make sure to add other players as friends. Together you can complete quests, make alliances and even dispatch space missions. Team up with other pilots and conquer the skies'. The presentation page also had a blue and white Read More click button, which took players to the Facebook Website, where they could log into the website, for further information. This had appeared once before on Friday 15th October 2021.

On Wednesday 1st December 2021 the Christmas Journey 2021 special event became available to players, when a unique icon appeared on the left hand side of the game screen. This special event became available following a v8.23.45 download update to the game. When clicked on, the menu opened to reveal the world map of flight destinations to cities around the globe. The icon remained on the screen for 25 consecutive days, during which time, a gift became available to collect, for each day the special event was active. The on screen icon had a counter which displayed the days and hours until the special event ends. The world map had a counter which displayed the hours and minutes until the next gift became available.

1st Day
One Green Note​
2nd Day
Large Repair Set
3rd Day
Comfort Class
4th Day
200 Fuel Units
5th Day
200 Passengers
6th Day
Family Ticket​
7th Day
Two Green Notes
8th Day
Vintage Weathervane
9th Day
Map Set: Mesoamerica
10th Day
250 Passengers
11th Day
Golden Dice​
12th Day
250 Fuel Units
13th Day
Mystery Set
14th Day
5 Green Notes
15th Day
300 Fuel Units
16th Day
Spy Glass​
17th Day
Map Set: Ancient Rome
18th Day
Mystery Super Building Two
19th Day
300 Passengers
20th Day
10 Green Notes
21st Day
Express Delivery (2)​
22nd Day
Collections Chest (5)
23rd Day
Junior Pilot
24th Day
Mystery Super Building
25th Day
Mystery Super Livery (10)

On Friday 10th December 2021 an icon appeared on the left hand side of the game screen. Selecting the icon displayed a special presentation page entitled, Take Screenshots And Win Prizes, with the following statement, 'Pilots, Captain Jack wants to know what your favourite airplane is. Take a screenshot of your best loved airplane, add your ID, and send it to the comments. We are giving an opportunity for 40 random pilots to win a beautiful Knitted Livery, Ice Shield and Unique Chance bonuses and more on Monday 13th December 2021'. The presentation page also had a blue and white Read More click button, which took players to the Facebook Website, where they could log into the website, for further information.

On Tuesday 21st December 2021 an icon appeared on the left hand side of the game screen. Selecting the icon displayed a special presentation page entitled, The Great Gift Exchange, with the following statement, The holiday season is the time for gifts. Send presents to your neighbours every day together with other pilots, reach certain milestones as a community, and get great rewards that include Airport Cash, Fuel, Bonuses, Mystery Super Buildings, and more. All details are on the Facebook. The presentation page also had a blue and white Read More click button, which took players to the Facebook website, where they could log into the website, for further information. The special event lasted for two weeks from Tuesday 21st December 2021 to Tuesday 4th January 2022.

Stage One - 50 Million Gifts - 5 Green Notes, Fuel x200, Large Gift Set (5), Repair Set (3), Large Repair Set (5) - Task Completed
Stage Two - 75 Million Gifts - 7 Green Notes, A Friend In Need Bonus, Fuel x400 - Task Completed
Stage Three - 100 Million Gifts - Reliable Crew, Mystery Super Bonus, Mystery Super Building Eight - Task Completed

On Saturday 25th December 2021 a special Christmas Holidays Bonus was issued by Game Insight, when keyed in the special code *holidays21* rewarded you with the following three gifts, 5,000 Gold Coins, Snowman Set, 3 Green Notes. The Snowman Set (the chest contains 20 Snow Shovels) which can be used during the Winter Dream special event,, which became available in late December 2021.

On Monday 7th February 2022 an icon appeared on the left hand side of the game screen. Selecting the icon displayed a special presentation page entitled, Prizes For Attentive Pilots, with the following statement, A new contest has started on the Facebook page. Show your attention to detail and get a chance to be among the 20 lucky winners who will receive awesome prizes. Keep your eyes peeled and win big. The presentation page also had a blue and white Read More click button, which took players to the Facebook Website, where they could log into the website, for further information.

On Friday 11th February 2022 an icon appeared on the left hand side of the game screen. Selecting the icon displayed a special presentation page entitled, Bonus Rush, with the following statement, Captain Jack has a new challenge for you. Take part in the special give away on Facebook and increase the prize pool. The more the pilots join the action, the bigger the bonus. Lets reach the stars together. The presentation page also had a blue and white Read More click button, which took players to the Facebook Website, where they could log into the website, for further information.

On Saturday 26th February 2022 an icon appeared on the left hand side of the game screen. Selecting the icon displayed a special presentation page entitled, Name The Song, with the following statement, Pilots, you can make rock and roll history even if you have never held a musical instrument - just head over to the Facebook page and take part in the caption giveaway. Chest out the featured artwork, come up with a clever rock song name and win awesome prizes. The presentation page also had a blue and white Read More click button, which took players to the Facebook Website, where they could log into the website, for further information.

On Saturday 12th March 2022 an icon appeared on the left hand side of the game screen. Selecting the icon displayed a special presentation page entitled, Treasure Chest Giveaway, with the following statement, Leprechauns are hiding their treasures in chests and burying them all over Airport City. Professor Klandau is now searching for treasure. Join him, try to guess which chest contains the treasure, and win great prizes. The presentation page also had a blue and white Read More click button, which took players to the Facebook Website, where they could log into the website, for further information. The results were announced on Tuesday 15th March 2022, 10 random winners received a prize.

On Wednesday 23rd March 2022 an icon appeared on the left hand side of the game screen. Selecting the icon displayed a special presentation page entitled, Airborne Give Way, with the following statement, Plane flights or Space flights? Pilots vs. Astronauts, pick your team, vote for an emogi and don't forget to leave your ID in the comments. That's your chance to win an amazing prize. Good luck! The presentation page also had a blue and white Read More click button, which took players to the Facebook Website, where they could log into the website, for further information.

On Wednesday 30th March 2022 an icon appeared on the left hand side of the game screen. Selecting the icon displayed a special presentation page entitled, Take A Screenshot, Get A Prize, with the following statement, Giveaway, pause the video when you see the picture on Clandau's monitor change, take a screenshot, and do not forget to add your ID. Don't miss your chance to win an amazing prize. The presentation page also had a blue and white Read More click button, which took players to the Facebook Website, where they could log into the website, for further information.

On Wednesday 13th April 2022 an icon appeared on the left hand side of the game screen. Selecting the icon displayed a special presentation page entitled, Take A Photo, Get A Prize, with the following statement, Pilots, the flight check giveaway is live on the Facebook page. Simply post a photo of Airport City running on your laptop/pc, add your ID and get Airport Cash, Fuel and Bonus Chests as a reward. Prizes are guaranteed to all pilots who meet the giveaway requirements - don't miss out. The presentation page also had a blue and white Read More click button, which took players to the Facebook Website, where they could log into the website, for further information.

On Monday 25th April 2022 an icon appeared on the left hand side of the game screen. Selecting the icon displayed a special presentation page entitled, Great Prizes For Guest Planes, with the following statement, Let those airship in! We are holding a new challenge, in our community. All Airport City pilots need to collectively accept a certain number of airplanes over the next two weeks. Get amazing prizes as your progress more and more. Stay tuned for the results on the Facebook page. The presentation page also had a blue and white Read More click button, which took players to the Facebook Website, where they could log into the website, for further information. On Friday 6th May 2022 the following rewards were issued, 5 Green Notes, Robot Loader, Valuable Cargo, 50 Fuel Units x2


On Monday 23rd May 2022 an icon appeared on the left hand side of the game screen. Selecting the icon displayed a special presentation page entitled, Flying Rewards Contest, with the following statement, Here is a new contest for you. Pilots to test your reaction. Watch the video, look for rewards flying around and leap at the chance to win nice prizes. Do not miss this opportunity and stay tuned for the giveaway on the Facebook page. The presentation page also had a blue and white Read More click button, which took players to the Facebook Website, where they could log into the website, for further information.

On Friday 27th May 2022 an icon appeared on the left hand side of the game screen. Selecting the icon displayed a special presentation page entitled, Make Friends, with the following statement, Pilots, it is time to make some new friends in Airport City, head over Facebook, write 'Add Me', and your in game ID in the comments, and make sure to add other players as friends. Together you can complete quests, make alliances, and even despatch space missions. Team up with others pilots and conquer the skies. The presentation page also had a blue and white Read More click button, which took players to the Facebook Website, where they could log into the website, for further information.

On Saturday 11th June 2022 an icon appeared on the left hand side of the game screen. Selecting the icon displayed a special presentation page entitled, Guess The Chest, with the following statement, The volcanologists left some of their equipment at the foot of the volcano, but looks like one of them brought reward instead! Come test your attention to detail and try to spot the chests that holds the gifts. In a few days, we will name the winners who will get amazing prizes in the game. The presentation page also had a blue and white Read More click button, which took players to the Facebook Website, where they could log into the website, for further information.

On Monday 13th June 2022 an icon appeared on the left hand side of the game screen. Selecting the icon displayed a special presentation page entitled, Airborne Advice, with the following statement, An experienced pilot will always find something to tell the beginners. Over the years, you managed to learn all the subtleties of the game, and now we ask Airport City veterans to share useful hints and tips with our newcomers. If you are new to the game, join us. The wisdom of experienced players will help you. The presentation page also had a blue and white Read More click button, which took players to the Facebook Website, where they could log into the website, for further information.

On Thursday 1st December 2022 the Christmas Journey special event became available to players, when a unique icon appeared on the left hand side of the game screen. When clicked on, the menu opens to reveal the world map of flight destinations to cities around the globe. The icon will remain on the screen for the next 25 consecutive days, during which time, a gift will become available to collect, for each day the special event is active. The on screen icon has a counter which displays the days and hours until the special events ends. The world map has a counter which displays the hours and minutes until the next gift becomes available. On Sunday 25th December 2022 the special event closed, after 25 days.

1st Day
One Green Note​
2nd Day
Repair Set (3)​
3rd Day
Comfort Class (1)​
4th Day
Fuel 200 Units​
5th Day
Passengers (200)​
6th Day
Family Ticket (1)​
7th Day
Two Green Notes​
8th Day
Vintage Weathervane​
9th Day
Map Set: Mesoamerica​
10th Day
Passengers (250)​
11th Day
Golden Dice (1)​
12th Day
Fuel 250 Units​
13th Day
Mystery Set​
14th Day
Five Green Notes​
15th Day
Fuel 300 Units​
16th Day
Spy Glass​
17th Day
Map Set: Ancient Rome​
18th Day
Mystery Super Building Two​
19th Day
300 Passengers​
20th Day
10 Green Notes​
21st Day
Express Delivery (2)​
22nd Day
Collections Chest (5)​
23rd Day
Junior Pilot​
24th Day
Mystery Super Building​
25th Day
Mystery Super Livery (10)​

On Sunday 25th December 2022 Game Insight issued three gift items to players, to celebrate Christmas. The items were, 5 Green Notes, Snowman Set Chest (20 Snow Shovels) and 5,000 Gold Coins.

On Thursday 5th January 2023 Game Insight issued a compensation bonus for IOS players only due to an Update Error which took place in early January 2023. The following gifts 5 Airport Cash, 2000 Fuel Units, 1 Platinum Chest, 1 Lucky Ticket Bonus were collected through the AppStore.


On Tuesday 14th February 2023 Game Insight issued the following special bonus - Together Forever, Golden Heart, Cupids Arrow, Fuel 1,000 Units.

Sometimes due to a persistent technical problem, which effects forum members game play, an extra bonus code will be issued, as a way of an apology and/or a thank you for being patient during the technical problem. To key in the extra bonus code and obtain the Mystery Bonus Chest gift item, you will need to repeat the above five steps. Inside there will be nine bonuses, Vintage Weathervane, Lucky Cap, Inconvertible Coin, Golden Wrench, Sky Captain, Family Ticket, Golden Toad, Alarm Clock and Chinese Lantern. You will receive one random bonus, from the chest, the reward will not be the same for all forum members, the bonus will vary.

Some bonus codes released by Game Insight had no expiry dates, they could be keyed in anytime, but only once. This was normally reserved for special occasions e.g. when the game of Airport City celebrated its 10 year birthday in September 2021, the code *10years10* and *thankyou10* was issued. Also issued, earlier in the year, in late March 2021 was *myfirstcode* for players new to the members forum. These types of codes were keyed in the standard manner, Step One through to Step Five.

In mid April 2021 technical problems with the v8.13.16 version of the game, prevented Windows players from downloading the 6 day special event, Riding The Comet from the Windows Apps Store. The non Windows players were able to download the update from other outlets, as soon as it became available, complete the special event and receive all of the rewards for doing so. It was also not possible for Windows players to visit any of their neighbours during this period, which prevented them from collecting valuable space program fuel items for the required green launch flights and collect the rewards from the completed space flights that would have taken place during the event. The green launch flights were an integral part of the special event Riding The Comet.

The technical problems Windows players experienced had not been resolved, by the time the next update became available. As a result of this, in late April 2021 the v8.14.11 version of the game, could not be downloaded from the Windows Apps Store, which prevented players from taking part in the 14 day special event Long Awaited Mail. The non Windows players experienced no problems downloading the update to the game from other outlets. Once again it was not possible for Windows players to visit any of their neighbours during this period. It was also not possible to collect valuable space program fuel items for green, blue and red launch flights, as resources were low.

More than three weeks past before the technical problems, experienced by Windows players were finally resolved, and players were able to download the latest version v8.15.22 of the game from the Windows Apps Store in mid May 2021. The compensation was finally awarded to players who missed out on the Riding The Comet and Long Awaited Mail special events. This took place on Friday 14th May 2021, the following rewards were paid to players, 50 Green Notes, Meterorite Research Centre, Platinum Chest x2 (2 Quantum Leap Bonus, 20 Gold Tokens, 200 Silver Tokens, 20 Powerful Explosive Bolts), Mail Super Building, Space Explorer x2 (6 items from 8 of the space program fuel items). Players also received additional rewards of 5 Green Notes, Mail Plane, Purple Plane. The process took place automatically, no special codes were required to be key in to receive the rewards.

Due to technical issues with the game during the early part of June 2021, an apology was issued and compensation was paid to players, this took place on Tuesday 15th June 2021, following the v8.17.9 download update to the game of Airport City. The technical issues were as a result of 'bugs in the game' which effected Alliance Group Flights. The rewards were Family Ticket Bonus (x2), Secret Faucet Bonus (x1), Vintage Weathervane Bonus (x1), Fuel 300 Units (x3), Passengers 300 (x25). The process took place automatically, no special codes were required to be key in to receive the rewards.

On Saturday 13th November 2021, due to on going technical issues with the game, an apology was issued by Game Insight and the following compensation was paid to players, 20 Green Notes and Lucky Ticket Bonus x5. The process took place automatically, no special codes were required to be key in to receive the rewards.

Following a v8.27.27 download update to the game, on Sunday 27th February 2022, due to technical issues with the game, the following compensation was paid to players, 10 Green Notes and Sky Captain x1. This took place automatically, no special codes were required to be key in to receive the rewards.

The bonus codes are published in the Wiki, located along the following mouse click path, Groups, General, Bonus Codes, Group Forum. The idea behind this was to locate all bonus codes in one place, rather than in more than one place. This idea was introduced in late September 2020. The following link will take you there www.airportcitygame.com/forums/bonus-codes.193/. It is worth noting that sometimes the bonus codes are also posted in the Airport City Announcements section of the members forum, in addition to the Wiki.

If you login to the members forum on a daily basis you will be able to read about the Weekend Game Codes, Special Game Codes, Midweek Game Codes, Special Game Offers, Extra Bonus Codes and Compensation, when the information is posted and when the game update downloads will become available. If on the other hand, you login to the members forum every so often, it is possible you could miss out on these, and the rewards you would have collected from them.

There is a great wealth of user guide information located in the Airport City Guides section, of the members forum. I have written them to help you with your game, those of you who are new to the game and those of you who are further along with your game. The user guides will provide you with all the information you need, to help make a success of your game.

Last Updated: Sunday 19th January 2025 at 09.40am London UK Time
Last edited:

St. Brigid Aero

Eric's Condor
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
Brigid/item needed
Quick question....what if you don't have facebook and also where are you supposed to key in wknd code via FB or in the game?
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