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The Spring Has Come ... Again


350+ Star Club
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  2. iPad
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GS4: GamingSwiftie4 (iPad), GS5: 04skwc5l
GS4, GS5
Rsorour, i have to admit, I can't remember you with gifing in the last days of the quest, but i have seen others for horseshoes after completion. I deleted their gift and concentrated on those who I thought or knew didn't finish. I am glad to read it helped at least two others

Oh I think you help *way* more than you realize. [I'd give you a lot of hand clap faces if it were an option.]
I know that there have been tons of times where *I* have been extremely grateful to have you as a neighbor! (I've even felt bad sometimes that I can't help you half as much as you help me.)

And I agree with Rsorour's revised statement: If there's lots of time left, I don't like to finish the quest simply so that I can "pay it forward" with the quest items and collect quest related items via the neighbor visits for the next year's challenge.
(Sorry, but I don't think the rewards one receives from neighbor visits are that helpful unless you are *really* desperate for coins/passengers/fuel - and if you are that desperate, then you've most likely posted in the daily trading threads and then I make exceptions. ;))
And, like Rsorour, I also don't continue asking for the quest items via the gifts if I can hit that new complete button. :) I could be wrong, but I would hope that the majority of forum members operate in this manner. ;)

Of course, I say that and I still sent you nets from GS4 this time around until you had all the nets you needed. Unfortunately that also resulted in extra shears on this end for a day or two because of the return policy. (Silly twins... What were they thinking taking you away from us like that?! :p) But, I didn't quite know how best to handle that when GS5 still needs shears and I seemed to be one of a handful of people who could gift nets. But, now that you are done with nets it doesn't matter and you will only see nets from GS5. :whistle:
  1. Android
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Ninal and items what I need
I added 4 new neighbours this morning (weetbix81, sportychubz, jackjackeli and Mario).
I'll send you nets. Could you make the same thing please ?
I found it's very hard to get nets by our neighbours. If it's a good day, I have 7-8. When it's a bad day 3 ...

Have a nice day !


350+ Star Club
  1. Android
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I Need Nets And Will Be Adding Some New Neighbors To Help With That. I Have Shears To Send Back, So Really No Help. Please Accept Me When I Add You As A Neighbor
  1. Android
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I added 4 new neighbours this morning (weetbix81, sportychubz, jackjackeli and Mario).
I'll send you nets. Could you make the same thing please ?
I found it's very hard to get nets by our neighbours. If it's a good day, I have 7-8. When it's a bad day 3 ...

Have a nice day !

have accepted you at jackjackeli.. but it can only send shears.. however, I have added you at elijackjack - please accept and we could trade nets there.. :)
  1. Android
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Ninal and items what I need
It's done ! Thanks to you and thanks to my new neighours who accepted me.
Good luck !

Just a question : Do you think it's possible to win this mission ? For the moment, I've just 5 butterflies.:bawling:
  1. Android
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Ninal and items what I need
Nice tip! I just tried with my small stock of nets. I had 4. I pressed butterflies, counted up to 7, got 2 butterflies and at the same time completed my first collection.
I will go and seek my neighbors net!

Thank you again.(y)(y)(y)(y)(y)(y)(y)(y)
  1. Android
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ayvpwbz ; ar5a79u ; avyss2h
Hello to all, inconew just need one more Peacock to finish this mission, so far I have : 3\3\9\6\2 and you guys and girls whow are your mission?
Btw, inconew needs lots of nets and portugal the same.
tks to all that help me and happy weekend
  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
aruc5di - Adroid / Flyerduck - iPad
OBD - Android / Flyerduck - iPad
Does anyone have the Botanical Garden or is there a list on here that tells who has them? Last 4 days and i'm looking for 1 butterfly, figured i'd try every spot i can.

  1. Android
Friend Code
ayvpwbz ; ar5a79u ; avyss2h
Hello to all, inconew have got the last peacock now only Portugal need nets, tks for all the help.
Btw i continue send shears from inconveniente and inconew for all that need.

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