I was hit with the limit during a reinastall on my main game, which was eventually lifted.@Below_Average_AC_Player
Barkmi4, you are at level 78 so I'm assuming you have been playing longer then since May 2017 so the limit never should have applied to you anyway (until you move your game to a new device sometime in the future).
Talk about a shocker,, for all of us who came in right after that update in May and barely missed the no limit,,this limit is beyond a bummer,,, but stop and think for a moment of all of the long time players who will lose tens of thousands of items when they ultimately have move/restore their game, after their device breaks, gets lost, stolen, etc.... they should be the ones screaming now since the writing is on the wall for what is coming to their Airport City world. So in a year or so from now when that happens, there will be zero flexibility since it will be old policy at that point. They will have the 100 item limit and that's that. Long time players that are unaffected right now are being lulled to sleep but should be the ones up in arms over the 100 item limit.
It's not "if' but "when" all of those players with unlimited items will be reduced/restricted to 100 items. They should be the ones doing all the pushing now to have that limit removed! Slowly, over time this issue will become very personal to each of them and it will also probably be too late to do much about by that time.
As the saying goes, it's better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all,,, but I don't think that's the way this one will go down,, more accurate here would be,, it's better to never have had over 100 items then to have had 100,000 items and lost them all.![]()
However my support account I'm referring to is low level, and started after the limit was imposed.